Monday, September 30, 2013

Ada Rahsia Apa Pada Sandang...????

Ada rahsia apa pada sandang? satu persoalan yang mungkin kita lupa untuk bertanya atau terlupa untuk bertanya atau memang kita tidak mahu ambil peduli.Sering kali bila diperlihatkan akan majlis penerimaan sandang ,berpusu-pusulah orang hendak memilikinya.Sandang sudah menjadi sebahagian koleksi khazanah kita. Memiliki sandang atau penyampaiannya sudah terlalu komersial sehingga tiada siapa peduli akan nilai penyampaian serta tugasan asal pemiliknya.Apa yang penting kain yang pelbagai warna dan bentuk aturannya ini disandangkan ke bahu.Selepas itu bolelah kita bergaya dalam setiap majlis lain pula.

Setiap sandang yang disampaikan dalam adat bersandang Silat Seni Gayong ada nilai dan rahsianya.Bermula dari persediaan sebelum penyampaian sehingga masa penyampaian dan diteruskan selepas disandangkan.Warna yang ada dalam setiap sandang membawa makna yang mendalam dan menyimpan seribu rahsia.Mengambil sebagai contoh sandang Waris Beradat  dan Ketua Beradat bertanah hitam berjalur berkilat putih memberikan makna yang tersendiri dan tersembunyi melindungi,mengawal dan menjaga.Ianya bukan hanya sekadar warna sahaja menurut penerangan guru suatu ketika dahulu.Itu secara ringkasnya,kalau dengan fahaman yang mendalam sudah tentu kita akan merasa dan berfikir kelayakan yang ada pada kita.Jadi sebagaimana yang asalnya hanya 14 orang sahaja pada suatu masa sahaja yang akan disandangkan dengannya.Tapi sekaranag ini sudah menjadi seperti jualan langsung hingga hilang erti sebenarnya.Tepuk dada tanya selera wahai pejuang adat Gayong iaitu kita  sendiri. 

Gambar Hiasan Sandang Contoh

Susunan dan nama yang dibuat bukan rekaan, ianya ada kaitan dengan Melayu yang mendiami alam nusantara ini.Tetapi kekadang kita lebih menambah untuk kesedapan kita sendiri hingga hilang yang boleh kita katakan kesaktiannya. Apa pun alam yang berkembang ini memang selalu terpancar dengan dusta yang menutup ain kita untuk melihatnya.Bukan sahaja itu malah menjadikan kita tuli iaitu tidak mendengar akan panggilan atau seruannya.

Diambil lagi sebagai contoh sandang Khalifah Muda yang warnanya bertanahkan kuning dan berjalur merah.Disebalik warnanya sahaja sudah tersembunyi rahsianya yang perlu kita tuntut agar kita ada ilmunya.Teringat kata guru dalam kiasnya jika ada sandang ini ibarat panglima yang dengan izinNYA melayani  dan berseloroh telatah 40 orang .Apa kias penyampaian arwah guru tua ini sama-sama kita fikirkan.Sejauhmana kita faham,rujukan kita pula sudah kembali ke Rahmat penciptaNYA. Tinggal hanya secebisan dikalangan kita,kekadang pun kita sendiri tidak faham akan ianya. Mana manikam dan mana kah jauhari yang akan mengenalnya.Alam yang tua ini penuh dengan misteri yang mudah dirungkai kalau kita diberikan pengetahuan akan punca tawarikhnya. 

Cukup sebagai meluaskan minda agar jangan kita duduk dalam kepompong yang kita rasa selesa.Rahsia tersimpan dipurbakala, begitulah pantun arwah guru kita yang selalu kita kenang dan bersedekah AlFaithah serta zuriat salasilahnya.Nun awan putih melindungi aku, zikrullah, Ya Allah Ya Muhammad,Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku. Semoga kita semua diberkati.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tak Sembang Tapi Tunjuk Bukti

"Tak sembang tapi tunjuk bukti" , a words circling in my minds, a words that have a very strong meaning. A Malay word which means, not only talking but it proven of what he speaks. I do remember during my training days and still in training until today, I saw the Founder The Late Dato Meor Abdul Rahman, when been  ask a questions especially on techniques whether it is an advance or not, he immediately performed it without doubt and hesitate. Things changed nowadays, when we asked an instructors to show just a bit of some techniques they will come up with thousands of reason and the most common is , you are not in that level. Maybe the way of the pedagogy have changed our maybe we are not in that capacity of having that kind of knowledge. There are still many senior instructors having trained by the late founder when asked they will fulfilled our desire, but it is only left a few. What we have most now is more on glamour and feeling proud of something that doesn't exist within their skills.

Gambar Hiasan

I heard that a senior instructor of Silat Seni Gayong can still performed push up one hand with his pinkie or little finger. This is amazing and as all the young masters, do judge own self , where does our level stands on. That reminding of a friendly challenged push up between a Silat Seni Gayong instructor and a Martial Arts instructor  from other style, which have not to be reveled due to respect. The Martial Artist are neighbors of our Asean countries. It's happened in the 80' in Kuala Lumpur. The match were started with push up 10 fingers and continued until 1 finger. Both of the competitors manage to finish 10 fingers push up, then 3 fingers, then 2 fingers, then finish with 1 finger. That was the first part, then it continued with push with one hand using fingers. On this part the martial artist failed to performed and the Silat Seni Gayong instructor manage to do all the task, push up one finger with one hand. It was a friendly match and both became friend and respected each other. That is Martial Arts all about, a friendship and unity in all angle no matter what style we practice.

From these we hope to scale our self , in what level we really are and as for that I realized why in the old days there are very few personnel ranking in Black Belt and Yellow Belt in Silat Seni Gayong because what they obtained is what they really are made off. And as a hope let us be like them or better for retaining and maintaining the quality of our beloved art Silat Seni Gayong.

Semoga kita diberkati.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Isim Embun

Sekadar berkongsi pengalaman dan cerita,seingatan penulis belum pernah dinukilkan penulisan tentang ilmu amalan hikmah Gayong, mungkin ada pada penulisan terdahulu atau hanya sekadar pengenalan sahaja.Terlalu banyak akan ilmu hikmah Gayong ini.Untuk kali ini digerakkan penulis untuk berkongsi akan sekelumit ilmu ini.Dikisahkan oleh guru akan ilmu hikmah Gayong ini,katanya ," jika dalam peperangan, mengalami luka yang amat parah diibaratkan seumpama nyawa ikan,dibaca isim embun ini, disapukan pada seluruh tubuh, bangkitlah ia ,segar kembali asal, pergi berperang". Begitu hebat kefahaman tauhid dalam ilmu Gayong ini.Bagaimanakah amalannya dilakukan? Sudah tentu ada tertib dan kaedahnya, seperti juga amalan-amalan yang lain. Diamalkan menurut adab dan tertib berguru sehingga mujarab pada diri.Insyaallah.

Gambar Hiasan
Jika mengalami keadaan luka parah yang sedemikian kata guru diembunkan kita ditempat yang sesuai dengan masa yang sesuai dengan diiringi amalan hikmah Gayong  tertentu.Dan berpantang maut sebelum ajalnya pada ketika itu, segala luka parahnya akan pulang pulih seperti sediakala dan bolehlah kita kembali berperang.Pada mula mendengarkan penerangan guru berkenaannya penulis terdiam,berlegar didalam minda akan kehebatan hulubalang Gayong dahulukala.Dalam masa yang sama teringat pula kisah Hulubalang Mat Kilau bermandi embun.Terlalu banyak terlintas dalam pemikiran sehinggakan muncul dalam minda akan sebahagian air yang lagi suci menyucikan.

Apa signifikasinya embun disini?Secara ikhtiarnya embun itu tadi,secara doanya amalan yang tertentu dengan berkat guru dan secara rukyah penyembuhannya adalah milik Tuhan Semesta Alam yang Maha Penyembuh.

Ilmu hikmah Gayong isim embun ini adalah sebahagian khazanah perbendaharaan Silat Seni Gayong.Jika ada limpah kurnianya marilah kita menyambung akan khazanah ini agar tidak hilang supaya berkatnya dapat diteruskan. Terlalu banyak sudah hilang bersama yang arif tentang hikmah Gayong ini,ibarat kita anak Gayong sudah hilang satu persatu pakaian Gayongnya.Akhirkata semoga kita semua diberkati dalam melayari Gayong ini.Amin.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Tumbuk Lilin - A Forgotten Punching Method

Training and perfection is two different things. I do remember training without a good method would not bring you to any perfection. Nevertheless the guide while performing to perfection is the key to success. As simple as performing a punching, whether the act really pay accordance to the effort. Started with holding a correct knuckle until performing a punch, the process is repeated to an extent of perfection. To calculate the tangible perfect act , the training are widen to punch a candle light. It is how it was thought during my training experience.

 We will try to punch the candle to blow the light with force sometimes which will resulted with failure. Why does this happen? It is not the force that do the job but a correct techniques and perfect punching are the one that make things working. With less force follows by accurate and perfect techniques the candle light can be put off. Think about how it works? Where does the energy comes and flow from ? When the answer is found you will understand and will have the answer to all the questions. Punching with full force is "silat", punching with perfection is "seni". So, we don't  need  force when performing any act and that will make us an expert in our own way. Maybe it will takes us  a long way of understanding the philosophies but that is the only method to be in line with all the experts. 

Gambar Hiasan
Standing in a fundamental position, calculating a distance from the target, lighting a candle , and performing the punching with focus. Repeated act started with 20 counts on each hands and counting the candle light off. Continuing and trying to off the candle light in a row, maybe starting with 3 in a row and increased each time until making 10 in a row on each knuckles.

The pressure is there especially failure is the result, but to be a perfectionist needs a strong mental and hard works. The result is depends on each individual but in the end it paid. These knowledge which were passed from time to time from practitioners to another just to be an expert in the art that they had chose , Silat Seni Gayong. As an advice let us revert our method of training to the old way to become the perfectionist in our own beloved art. Happy training.

Semoga kita semua diberkati.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Tuatha Penz Bazh

Tuatha Penz Bazh is a Gaelic word means stick or staff whether long, short or small. In Silat Seni  Gayong these kind of material are categories in the art of Seni Simbat. Whether a baton up to the shoulder, or a length of the elbow or hips and anything related to wood are part of Silat Seni Gayong varieties of weapons. The philosophies of the art are flipping, depending on kind of staff used. Different staff will show the different kind of techniques of handling.

There is also a staff that are attach with a blade at the end and it was called Lembing,Tombak. Even a staff that attach with a chain and at the end of the chain sharp blade meant for swinging and attacking at a certain distance. There are only parts of varieties of weapons that are purposely attach or solely from woods or anything that related to the forest. 


In Silat Seni Gayong and in the Malay Archipelago the staff are collected material made from rattan which are widely can be found in the forest or some special wood or rattan so called Nibung. Those kind of material is more hardened and long lasting and can withstand an attack from sharp machete as an example. When collected, it will be prepared in a special way so that it lasts. It will be smoked and soaked in oil to give resistance to the rattan. There are varieties of rattan species found and each are different kind of hardness and resistance .

In Silat Seni Gayong these art of staff are inclusive of grappling, locking and striking , whether by a single or double depends on the specifications of the said material. Started with a knowledge in handling, avoiding, training in pairs, grappling, locking and striking, staff with other weapons such as machete etc. From top to bottom, horizontal and vertical, side by side and intersects etc. Handling in stances, high, medium and low, even controlling the staff when making a rolling and jumping etc  Overall the understanding of this staff are a package on every aspects of the art of the stick in order for a better application when confronted or handling it.

Understanding the philosophy of the art from various angle of handling and avoiding. Shifting the hands and fingers in agility speed making sure of the energy generated are properly done when performing a strike or any applications .Never to forget the size of the staff, the length, the diameter which are applicable differently on each individual .Finding the art of the stick is a great treasure of knowledge and the tradition. It  should be preserved as it would be one of the greatest weapons of the martial arts practice.

Semoga kita semua diberkati.
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