Sunday, August 14, 2011

Quality or Quantity

            At present in Silat Seni Gayong we can overcome with various high ranking personnel. It is very common nowadays to meet with personnel with “Bengkong Pelangi Kuning” and” Bengkong Hitam Harimau Pelangi Chula Sakti”.

            Yes! Life has change, I admit, and the systems have changed too. I still remembered during the era of the late founder it is very rare to come across all this. Because of the rareness some people said , “Hitam, jarang-jarang , Kuning , kadang-kadang, Merah, banyak-banyak”, its brought a meaning that the quality of the ranking are really control and only a qualified person are awarded with it.

            If compare too at present the systems are totally out of control and the awarded system can be mentioned as cronyism , and this systems create chaos in the whole organisation because quantity supersede quality. What went wrong? Are we to eager of having this kind of structure or such a system should be made to comply to the rapid growth or it is very important to certain agendas. Too many questions will be circling in our mind regarding this matter and the most important things, are we really caring and finding a solution on our part to help solved the problem. As small as upgrading ourselves at least if we are really care. What else can we do, we had an administrator who are more should aware of the situation and their responsibilities are high when been elected in an annual general meeting.  And well hoping that the “adat” section and the “gurulatih” section play a role to stop all this nonsense. As far as I know the hierarchy, should be the “adat”,the “gurulatih” and the administrator, not the other way around.

            Yes, there is a steps been organised by the organisation to upgrade the quality, such as organising an instructor courses or seminars and that is great. Sorry to say the feedback from the ground roots remarks that the seminar is not up to the standard, and this remarks came from the participants. What went wrong? Are we really prepared for these kind seminars and are we really can fulfilled all the desire.

             It is normal, there is always pro and con but no matter what is the comment we should not stop working to upgrade the quality and a solution should be made. Anyway I salute everyone who had put their effort to maintaining the quality of Silat Seni Gayong and to the administrator whether it is from “adat”, “gurulatih” and “pentadbiran” for their struggle for conveyed all the desire of the members in maintaining Silat Seni Gayong as the superior martial arts of the Malay and a guidance an example to other Malay martial arts. Cheers.

                                              Seni Gayong seni asli,
                                              Mainan oleh putera dan puteri,
                                              Mari kita kekalkan budaya ini,
                                              Agar seninya tetap berkualiti.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Kesan Seni Gayong

            Kita sering mendengar yang dikatakan seni dalam Silat Seni  Gayong. Tetapi adakah kita pernah merasa atau ditunjukkan cara atau kaedahnya dalam permainan yang dikatakan seni ini. Banyak sahaja video yang di uploadkan di dalam internet tentang Silat Seni Gayong tapi jarang sekali kedapatan video tentang seni dan kalau ada pun adalah terlalu sedikit dan mungkin kita sendiri tidak mengenal pastinya.

             Kalau dulu bermain dibibir gurulatih kita mengatakan bahawa Seni Kuncian Gayong ini boleh memengsankan penyerangnya dan bagi yang bertuah dapat merasa maupun melihat teknik ini dilakukan.Melihat dan merasa adalah suatu keadaan tetapi melakukannya agar ia menepati sebagaimana tekniknya itu yang sukar.Kekadang kita mencuba berulang kali masih gagal, tetapi “training makes perfect provided we have the correct instruction and knowledge”.
Kesan Pengsan Kuncian Gayong Tangan Kosong

             Mudah untuk menyatakan tetapi amat sukar untuk melakukan, tetapi tidak mustahil jika sudah menguasainya mudah sahaja applikasinya, apa yang penting formula tentangnya. 

Kesan Pengsan Seni Kuncian Simbat Gayong

             Apa yang sering terjadi semasa latihan adalah seni dalam sendi, maksudnya dalam melakukan kuncian misal kata kilasan sendi digunakan untuk memudah melakukannya.Tertanya kita, jika kita lakukan dengan satu jari untuk mengilasnya boleh atau tidak? Persoalan ini bermain diminda kita apabila kita banyak membaca atau medapat info tentang seni pertahanan ini.

           Ternyata apabila dikembangkan sedikit memang kita boleh melakukannya tanpa kekuatan yang penuh. Mula lah kita merasakan satu nikmat tahap yang kita capai tetapi masih ada lagi tangga yang perlu kita naiki.   Bermula dengan kedua tangan, kita mengorak langkah dapat memengsankan penyerang hanya  memadai dengan pegangan jari sahaja  maka meningkat kepada sentuhan jari pula, kemudian dengan hanya  penggunaan satu tangan dan sebagainya. 

Rupa Muka Sebelum Kuncian Gayong
Rupa Muka Setelah Kuncian Gayong- Terbit Darah Dari Liang Roma

            Hasil dari semua ini banyak keputusan yang kita perolehi dari segi fizik dan kimianya. Apa pun yang kita capai itu adalah atas usaha kita, berkat pembelajaran yang kita terima dan mudah-mudahan dapat diwarisi generasi seterusnya agar ia berkekalan dan kualitinya terjaga.Secara dasarnya untuk menguasainya tidaklah semudah dan seindah menyatakannya, bergantung kepada kita yang berlatih untuk penguasaannya, semuanya atas sejauh mana komitmen kita terhadapnya. Yang penting disini berkatnya kerana apa sahaja dalam Gayong ini adalah berkatnya.Amin.

                                              Seni Gayong turunan Wali,
                                              Penuh dengan hikmat mulia,
                                              Seni asli seni sejati,
                                              Dizahir disusul ilham bermula.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tapak Gayong

            Whenever we started training Silat Seni Gayong we are featured on Tapak Gayong. Why is the term Tapak Gayong is so significant to the disciple of the art? Tapak Gayong can be defined as a step or movements for defending or securing an attack or a movement applied like an exercise for the practitioners to understand the concept and philosophy of the entire art in the martial defending systems.

Tapak Gayong In Seni Keris

             In Tapak Gayong there lies a movements or footwork as the Malay term it as Tapak Tiga. What is Tapak Tiga? Tapak Tiga can be means by footwork or steps that followed the concept of the pyramid or triangle position. No matter the position are, this concepts or philosophy of the foot will applied on any movements of application? Whether we are positioning ourselves sideways parallel or the other way around this Tapak Tiga plays a significant to any movements in defending or avoiding.

Tapak Tiga In Tapak Gayong

Tapak Tiga In Tapak gayong

Students Under training The Tapak Tiga In Tapak Gayong

             From this basic stepping the motion of the steps were be expended into another type of steps. What the most important here is one who really understands of the movements and the application in the whole of the entire defence method.

Tapak Gayong In Knee Position

            The application of Tapak Gayong really builds the confidence in applying the techniques consist of “Serangan Maut or Seramgan Harimau” either the” Seni Tapak Kunci Mati”.With a correct Tapak Gayong the used of hand and leg will be easy and application of this natural human weapons will ease in defending and accuracy of each movements.Those featured are expended in mastering the steps in the choreographed method as we term it as “Seni Tapak Kunci Hidup”. From there we can really identified the application of the steps are correctly apply in defending or avoiding from any angle of unexpected attack. In a presents of mastering this maybe take the whole life and that’s why a constant training are very important.

Tapak Gayong Securing A Seni Tapak Kunci mati

Tapak Gayong Application In Serangan Maut or Serangan Harimau

            Understanding Tapak Gayong and mastering the concept of the steps will create a terms as Silat Seni Gayong named it as “Seni”. What can be defined as seni? In the term of Silat Seni Gayong , seni  is an art of fine that cannot be described but only to feel off. For example with a correct seni langkah without much energy we can turned an attack, and the application of seni might be jeopardising the attacker.

            Tapak Gayong is such important in order to move further to the next round and is a guide for any practitioner in preparing their master ship in Silat Seni Gayong. Constant training without failed and a knowledge guide by the masters will create the quality of the next generations of Silat Seni Gayong. Therefore everyone must infuse the spirit of the warrior. Cheers.

                                            Tapak Gayong menjadi misteri,
                                            Dalam terang menjadi gelap,
                                            Gali lah gali sehingga menjadi,
                                            Agar seni tidak malap.
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