Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Turkish Food

            Turkey is rightly famed for its cuisine, which is rich and savory, not particularly spicy hot, with abundant use of vegetables.Though based on lamb and mutton, Turkish cuisine includes beef and chicken, as well as all sorts of seafood.  

Turkish Grilled Mackerel
Turkish Fried Calamari
            The most common preparations are grilling and roasting, which produce the famous Turkish kebabs, including doner kebab, the national dish and kofte, the workingman's  favourite. The most familiar Turkish kebab is shish kebab , chunks of lamb roasted on a skewer. To make it best we do need Turkish free range lamb, a true charcoal grill, and the knack for getting the outside singed while the inside of each chunk remains soft and succulent.

Turkish Shish Kebab

             Bread is bake fresh every morning for breakfast and lunch, and afternoon and dinner, and various from the common sourdough loaf to rounds of leavened pide to flaps of paper thin lavas.
Turkish Bread
           When serving Turkish food , Turkish Meze is the best when serving in a group. Turkish Meze featuring dozens of delicious and varied crudites, salads, purees, pickles, vinaigrettes, cheeses, fruits, fritters, boreks, vegetables and meats.

Turkish Mezes

Monday, November 29, 2010

Second Demonstration

           We were at the exhibitions hall again. Every team are ready to fulfill their task and responsibilities. This time we were locate at Malaysian booth . Me and Cikgu Fadzil will perform pentas ( a choreograph movement) today. We have made the preparations since last two days. The section at the booth are floored with a wood based platform and it is very slippery. Since the weather are cold so we had to put on our socks. And we didn't realized earlier by putting the socks,  it's going to make our movement more slippery.
          But we had no choice because our feet are cold and by the time we noticed it, the event already started. So me and Cikgu Fadzil has to really control our self while performing . Although it is slippery which like having a skate on our feet but we manage to finish our performance without embarrassing our self. Now I noticed that it's important in training to built a strong leg and this experience has proven the ability. To those out there when you are in training silat please concentrate on your stance as much as you can.
         The day finish accordingly and many visitors taking live photo of the performance and we are quite a glamorous that day, and a bonus to all of the team mate. I guess what expenses been dump through out the exhibitions worthwhile.

Cikgu Fadzil In Silat Uniform

Sunday, November 28, 2010


            From the earliest days of Islam , some Muslims have been attracted to mystical interpretations of their religion. In Turkey , at least since the thirteenth century Islamic mysticism has been expressed through participation of Sufi brotherhoods that serve as centers  of  spiritual and social life. The term Sufi  derives from the Arabic suf, which means wool. Early Muslim used the term Sufi  to refer to fellow  believers who wore simple woolen garments to demonstrate their rejection of materialism and worldly temptations and their devotion to a life of asceticism and prayer.

Sufism In Istanbul 

             Eventually , some Sufis who had required  reputations for their learning and piety attracted disciples who aspired  to learn from and emulate this Sufis  masters. Initially , sufi  followers were like students whose bond to Sufi teacher were based on personal loyalty. Since the twelth century, however, most Sufis  have organized themselves into orders brotherhoods that follow the teachings of a particular  Sufi  master.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Istanbul Street Market

            Its a lovely day , we had a chance to make another round at Istanbul. Today we follow the pathways to Beyazit Area towards the Bhosporus Straits. Passing by a wet market selling Turkish agriculture products, we can see fresh vegetables and house products for daily consume. As usual echo between the seller calling the passing by customers.

            Walking straight down the hill, it will take us to the fresh fish center . We can get fresh fish here which are caught from Sea of Marmara. To go around the open market it might take us at lease 2 hours because the market have such a long lane.

Istanbul Street Market    
Istanbul Fish Market
            Sharing the market activities together side by side, crammed full with restaurants, souvenir stalls and other necessity for daily used. From dusk till way past  this street market is always lively and colourful.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Big Day

To The Exhibitions Centre On The Launching Of Proton Cars
            The moment we are waiting for commence today.It was Nov 1997, first time Proton are launching  their cars for Turkey market. Everyone is getting ready preparing themselves for the opening ceremony. The VIP  will arrived at 10am and the opening ceremony will be inaugurated by Dato Sri Rafidah Aziz, Minister of Trade Malaysia.

            My task are to perform a welcoming "bunga" ( flower) in silat to warm the guest of honor  and leaping through 15 units of Modenas Motorcycles. While my colleague Cikgu Fadzil will be riding a Modenas Motorcycle blind folded. As usual the group dancer from Kedah will perform the Malaysian traditional dance and the professional driver and stuntman will show handling of the Proton Cars live to the audience. And  how daring when they drift the cars and motorcycles.

           The event was aired through out Europe and Malaysia via RTM. I still remember after the event I got a call from a friend back home informing me that I was seen in a news by RTM performing silat in Istanbul. The event run smoothly and the organizer satisfied with our overall  performances. We are not finish yet, we still have a demonstration in the coming day until end of the exhibitions.

Traffic Jammed In Istanbul Opposite The Exhibitions Centre

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Oriental House

            Tonight we will be going out for a  dinner at The Oriental House Restaurant. Table has been booked for all the team for tonight. The team leader announced  by 7 pm in the evening everyone must gather at the lobby. It's going to be a special dinner , since we were in Istanbul.

            Oriental House Restaurant are a famous eating place for the visitor at Istanbul. To get a table you must booked in an advance. Every night the place are fully booked and the visitors came from various country. When we make the booking , its a compulsory to state where we are from. The restaurant need to know in order to prepare the table and the flag that we present.

            What so famous about Oriental House is that, they provide culture show from Turkey different ethnics and  area , while the visitors are having their dinner, and what more stunning the evening spokesman will sing a folk song from each country that attending the dinner that night. At the end of the dinner we can have our photo taken with the traditional dancer whether wearing the traditional costumes that are ready to be rent and each photo we have to pay US 5.00. It was an entertaining night and everyone really enjoy the performance.

Belly Dancing Are Part Of The Show At Oriental House

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Before The Opening Ceremony

            Today we are taken to the venue that we are gone to perform. Its about an hour drive from the hotel due to traffic congestion. It is a trade center for a car exhibition which are organized by JetPa Turkey Limited. The owner of JetPa  Turkey Limited are the second richest men in Turkey. Its normal in Turkey when they organised an event they always "sedekah" ( alms) to the poor and the food that are prepared for the poor starts from 10am until 4pm in the evening. This was a great deed contributed by the rich to the poor.

          Upon reached the place and when we step our foot out from the bus , we are surrounded by a group of poor children asking for an alms. Some of us did give them a hand and some don't. Out of all the children I was touch by one that only wearing a round neck t-shirt with a hole shoe. And I wonder how does he manage himself in this freezing temperature. It was really sad, to see how poor they are.

          At that time it hop in my mind the poor using a tiny tree as their shelter and covered them self with a blanket to warm their body.No wonder I saw a lot of body covered with blanket under a tree when night is coming. I wish they will have a better life in future.

         So we were taken to our section in the complex where we will perform. We were given a briefing of the program and the opening ceremony will be inaugurated by Minister of Trade Malaysia, Dato' Rafidah Aziz.
Shoe Shining  Near The Trade Complex

Shoe Shine Gadget

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Topkapi Palace

           After fleeing from the European site we stopped at Topkapi Palace. To enter the palace which have been turned into a museum you have to pay 125,000 Lira. The palace has been the official and primary residence in the city of  the Ottoman  Sultans  for approximately 400 years.

          The palace was a setting for a state occasions and  royal entertainments, containing the most holy relics of the Muslim world such as the Prophet Muhammad cloak and sword. The construction was instructed by Sultan Mehmet 11 in 1459c. The palace is a complex made up of four main courtyards  and many smaller buildings. At the height of its existence the palace was home to as many as 4,000 people.

          The kitchen is so huge that can compensate a thousands people at one time. Now it has turned into a museum but you can still view the big wok and the structure and setting of it.

          As you passed the royal harem , royal hall, you can imagine how luxurious the ruler during the era. What most amuse me from the hill palace is that the ruined of a barricade or gates which are called a castle, with 3 steps of it before we can reach the palace of the sultans. Can you also imagined how does those days the army lead by Sultan Muhammad conquered the top hill during the era of the Roman. It was a great planned and great spirit of a leader that spread through the soldier and that really amazing me.

         Topkapi now act as a museum and there's a lot of Muslim artifacts were display there, and one can have a view of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. beard hair and bow and arrow and most of the Caliph treasure after the prophet and many more. The feeling was such you are back in history.

Entrance Gate To Topkapi Palace

The Harem In Topkapi Palace

Monday, November 22, 2010

The European Site

            We are informed today by the liaison officer that we are going to the European site of Istanbul. We will leave the hotel at about 9am. A bus will take us there, the journey to the European site will take about  an hour due to the traffic movement. The team will be accompanied by a tourist guide by the name of Yushak. He will be our guide for this trip.

            We will be passing through the Sea of Marmara by a bridge that connecting the two continents which are called The Golden Horn. Upon reaching the European site you can see the designed of a house is different . According to the guide most of the rich people of Istanbul lived there. If compared to the Asian site which are more historical look, the European site offers modern features living style..

At The European Site

            We were taken to a hill to view the panorama of Istanbul from European site. At the hill there's a traditional hut , occupied by a group of old women showing the art of making traditional bread. They are dress typically as a  middle class Turkish women.
A Turkish Women Making Traditional Bread
             From the hill we can view the Sea of Marmara and the old city of Istanbul on the East site.It was a spectacular panorama where west meets east. A view you can't  find at any other places.

A Glimpse of The Sea of Marmara
             The guide mention to us that we are very near to the border of Bulgaria, in an about 2 hours drive we can reached there. That's how centered Istanbul are located and no wonder it has been  a land of struggle historically.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Grand Bazaar

            The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul is opened in 1461. It is one of the largest and oldest covered market in the world, with more than 58 covered streets and over 1,200 shops and well known for its jewelery, pottery, spice and carpet shops. Many of the stalls in the bazaar are grouped by the type of goods, with special areas for leather coats, gold jewelery and the like. The Grand bazaar was constructed  between 1455 and 1461 by the order of Sultan Mehmed and in 16th century having expansion during the reign of Sultan Suleiman. The Grand Bazaar consists of 12 major buildings and has 22 doors and 4 main gates situated at the end of its two major streets.One street combined with the Bayezid 11 Mosque and Bayezid Square.

Grand Bazaar Map Square

            The Grand Bazaar are shopping heaven for tourist and it's a must visit place if you are in Istanbul. You can have your bargain until the lowest price that you required, and I take this chance to make my bargaining as well. Currency accepted are in Turkish Lira and US dollars are highly acceptable. We are lucky because we are provided with 500 Us dollar for our pocket money during our stay in Istanbul and was a compliments by JetPa Malaysia Sdn Bhd. So nothing to wait lets shopping.

Grand Bazaar , Shopping Heaven  

The Grand Bazaar Pathways
            After spending the money that we received , I take an opportunity for a break at a stalls just outside the main entrance of The Grand  Bazaar. As usual all the hard walking need to be fill and regained the energy that left. We met with the other team  there, and walked back to the hotel together.

Taking A Snack Outside The Main Entrance Of The Grand Bazaar

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Blue Mosque

At Blue Mosque
           Upon strolling the streets of Istanbul finally we end up at Blue Mosque. Blue Mosque or Sultanahmet Mosque are commissioned by Sultan Ahmed 1 while he was 19 years old.Construction were began in the year 1609 and took seven years to complete.

          The mosque was designed by architect Mehmet Aga. The original constructed building are inclusive of madrasa, a hospital, a han, a primary school, a market, an imaret and a tomb of he founder, but it was torn down in 19th century.

          One of the most notable features of Blue Mosque is visible from far away its six minarets.The other striking feature of the exterior is the beautiful arranged cascade of domes that seem to spill down from the great central dome

         Inside the high ceiling is  lined with 20,000 blue tiles that gave the mosque its popular name.One thing great about the interior is that the air ventilation system, where during the century candles are used to light the mosque and not a single smoke dust cant be found by the wall. This was awesome and amazing.

inside Blue Mosque

Friday, November 19, 2010

Strolling Around The Streets

           Today  I woke up at 7am local time, Cikgu Fadzil is already well groom. We are going down to the cafe to get our breakfast.The cafe serve breakfast between 7am to 10am. I went to the shower and get myself ready because I dont want Cikgu Fadzil waiting for me too long.

           At the cafe I had a bread and eggs and many more delicacies because there a lot of choice of varieties.After finish we were called for a briefing of what are the plan for today. And we were told the plan only starts tomorrow and we are free to comfort our self with own activity. I decided to have a  preliminary walk at the nearby street around the hotel.

          So I took the walk with Cikgu Fadzil seems that the other team mate have their own agenda and itinerary.While walking we can see a lot of multi purpose stalls selling bread and so on.We just had a glimpse at what they are selling.

the bread seller      
             In my mind Im looking for, if possible to accidentally passing over martial arts club. Because I still remember back in 1987 World Silat Championship in Kuala Lumpur theres a group from Turkey performing silat. Thats the last I seen of them. Im luckily that day we went into a bulding and at the ground floor there are a Karate Club and teach various martial arts.Unfortunately its too early for us , the club is closed.On that day we just spend our time on viewing the streets and activies of the Turkish people.

strolling around Istanbul

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Eresin Hotel

Eresin Hotel Topkapi, Istanbul
            Upon arrival at Atartuk Airport, Istanbul, as usual we must passed through custom and immigration check point. I don't know what when wrong, few of the dancer team from Kedah were detained for further investigations. We were waiting for them at the airport arrival lobby , and at last they were released and what a relieved to the rest of the team. After asking what happen, and what did the airport immigration and custom question them and was told that they are suspected a smuggler. a big laughed throw from all of the team.

            After inspecting everyone is there by our team leader we are taken by bus to Eresin Hotel. The Eresin Hotel situated in the heart of the old city in the famous Topkapi area and its about 20 minutes by car from the Atartuk Airport.

           We check in , and my room number are 202. I shared the room with Cikgu Fadzil. Everyone went to their designated room and I can see from the face, all of them look exhausted. I took the chance to lay myself on the bed before going for a shower and Cikgu Fadzil does the same thing. Upon leaning we did discuss the upcoming event that we gone to participate in 5 days time.Since we arrive in Istanbul in the evening so we just stay at the hotel resting and eating . It was cold outside due to its already end of  autumn and winter starting to take over.I went to bed quite early that day at about 10pm and so does my roommate.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Invitation

           I still remember it was way back 13 years ago. I got a called from Cikgu Fadzil from University Malaya inviting me to participate in a demonstration in Istanbul , Turkey. I need to confirm immediately because we gone to leave within a week.In the team that will fly to Turkey are a dance group from Kedah, RTM ( Radio Tv Malaysia), Silat Seni Gayong and a daredevil motorist from the PDRM ( Royal Police of Malaysia) and not forgotten a professional driver and rider.

          The purpose of we going to Istanbul is for a launching of Proton Cars and Modenas ( Malaysian Motorbike). We are sponsored by a company name as JetPa Malaysia Sdn Bhd, which had an associate in Turkey by the name of JetPa Turkey Limited.

          Its still in my mind that we have to wait at the city center , and a bus will take  us to the airport.During the year, Subang Airport are still the major international airport. We took Singapore Airline for our trip to Istanbul.

           I will performed Silat Seni Gayong to international visitors during the opening ceremonies. On the plane I took this chance to discuss with Cikgu Fadzil on what we are going to perform on that date.We have make some preliminary sketch of the demo for that event. The flight took about 10 hours and finally we arrived safely in Istanbul.

Atartuk  Airport Istanbul

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Istanbul City Of Two Continents

Istanbul by district
           Istanbul, historically known as Constantinople is the largest city in Turkey and 5th largest city proper in the world with a population of 12.8 million, also making it the second largest metropolitan area in Europe by population, and the largest metropolitan city proper.Istanbul is also a mega city,as well as the cultural,economic and financial of Turkey.It is located on the Bosphorus Straits and encompasses the natural harbour known as the Golden Horn, in the Northwest of the country.It extends both on the European and the Asian sides of the Bosphorus, and is thereby the only metropolis in the world that situated on two continents.

           During it long history the city previously served as the capital city of the clasical Byzantine, Latin Roman Empires and Ottoman  Empire. Ankara was selected as the capital of the new Republic of Turkey during the Turkish War of Independence.

          The historic peninsular is said to be built on seven hills, each topped by an imperial mosque,surrounded by 22km of city walls,the largest of this hills is the site of Topkapi Palace.

         The urban landscape of Istanbul is shaped by many communities.The religion with the largest community of followers is Islam. Religious minorities include Greek Orthodox Christians, Armenian Christians,Catholic Levantines and Sephardic Jews.

Istanbul city of two continents
         Some popular place to visit in Istanbul, Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace,Grand Bazaar,Istanbul Archeology Museum, Bosphorus Night Cruise and many more at this historic city of culture and heritage.

Monday, November 15, 2010


           Once the center of the Ottoman Empire, the modern secular republic was established in the 1920s by nationalist leader Kemal Atartuk. Turkiye as in the Turkey language means people who owned the land. Its landscape is dotted with battlegrounds, ruined castles and the palaces of the great empires. This is the land where Alexander The Great slashed the Gordon Knot, where Achilles battled the Trojans in Homer Iliad and where the Ottoman Empire fought battles that shape the world.

            The country tumultuous history has left a deep legacy.People who have never had to suffer for an idea or fight for a patch of land can be overwhelmed by the passion of ordinary Turks for their country.But for ordinary Turks that passion finds its outlet, not in martial ardor, but in simple pleasures, family ,food, football and friendship. Turks have an inspiring ability to keep things in perspective, to get on with everyday life and to have a bloody good time in the process. Sharing their joy in the simple things in a highlight for every visitors.

            Turkey's location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia make it a country of significant geostrategic importance. The predominant religion in Turkey is Islam with small minorities of Christianity and Judaism. The country official  language is Turkish. Turkey's rich with an ancient cultural heritage. A country to visit and full in knowledge of the passed and history.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


            Mossa Zaher Teemul are one of my student at Mauritius that travel a most from his country to Malaysia for training. Some friend called him Mossa , but I called him Mr T, taken from his name Teemul and shorten it out to T. Mossa or nickname T working with a police department in Mauritius and a very ambitious person. He loves to venture into business and for over the past years he venture into many kind of trade. This is because the trader blood are flown within his body , all his family are involved in business.

Teemul trying the boiling oil

Teemul in training
           I  knew Teemul since I step my foot at Mauritius and we have been a friend since then.When the first time he came to Malaysia I compliments him staying with my family at my small hut.Even if Im in Mauritius I stay at his place as well, we are more like a family, that is Gayong brotherhood and family.He is the first student from Mauritius to initiate in "perlimau seni" . I have given my blessing to Teemul to continue teaching at Mauritius.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Food In Mauritius

            Anywhere I travel when spreading Silat Seni Gayong, I romping around on the food. Mauritius is a mix of culture and also of cuisine. The Mauritian food has it origin from three continents. Mauritian cuisine is mixture of Creole, Chinese,European and Indian. Tomatoes are an essential element for Creole dishes, while garlic,chillies.ginger are other ingredients opted by Mauritius people to dish their epicurean delights.
            In Mauritius the Briyani is a famous around the Indian dish. You can find restaurant serving all kinds of Briyanis. In serving a Briyani you need a rice,aromatic spice, meat and oil. While the Chinese cooking are with the mixture of sauce delighted the serving which are common in their fish and seafood dish. We can find as well in the streets a lot of  food shop selling French bread or delicatessen.
            The food are so cheap where in the street you can get it around  RM2.50 per serving of Briyani and in a full plate.The cooking are various such as Octopus Salad, Garlic Prawns, Beef  Briyani, Samosa ,Mines Frire ( its a kind of noodles) and a lot of varieties to choose.

Lobster are serve mainly in a hotels or restaurant

samosa stalls in the street of Port Louis  

Indian dishes, rice with curry

Friday, November 12, 2010

Duel With The Tai Chi Master

          At one time while I was teaching  Seni Gayong class at  Plaine Verte . That day too many people attend the training , its about 60 of them with various ranged of age. We had started the training about an hour and I have given a break to the student for about 10 minutes to refresh what they have learned. While making my round , the class has been visited by a Tai Chi master. At first he is just observing  how is the training was conducted .

         While I was sitting at the stage observing how my students are doing , he started to comparing the techniques of Tai Chi with Seni Gayong. He called upon one of my student and starting to choked him. And asked my student to counter or escape from his choking. Definitely my student will get choked because he is new in this arts. After trying he could not escape, so he asked the teenager to choked him. I was looking from the stage, and when he was choked , he make some movements,  moving the motion of his body from right to left and the grip of the hand to his neck was released. Its like been pushed, and the power of chi he generate in the movement are great.

           I was surprised as well , I had  friends back in Malaysia  who are a Tai Chi master  too, but I have not seen this kind of techniques before. From my view this Tai Chi master are good and are a real master. From the view of a martial artist when someone comes to your class and showing some moves to your students that means that they are trying to share the knowledge of his art and comparing with what he has learned.

          So I called my student that had an experience been choking by the Tai Chi master. I show him some simple technique and asked him to try again to choked the Tai Chi  master. He did as he was told, this time the Tai Chi master cant escape and he kept trying until he got frustrated and he asked the student to released him. And at that time my pride has returned and Gayong as well. After the test of psychology , the master stay a side and just view the training until the end of the session.And we became  friend until today.

View of Port Louis from the Old Fortress

Thursday, November 11, 2010


            It was a Sunday morning and the streets seems sound very quiet. I pulled my blanket to continue my sleep. The wrist watch shows that it is 6.30am and its still early. Luckily today there,s no training so I can be in bed as long as I wanted. Today I am on my own to counting the streets of Port Louis. I haven't got a chance to do so due to the training session are tight. I plan to scouting the city pathways to make myself occupied for the day.

          While I was compliments myself I heard someone knocking at my rooms door. I looked at my wrist watch , It was 7am, the time ticking so fast that I don't  realized , I have been strolling in bed thinking of my plan for today. I woke up upon hearing the knocking, standing there are 3 men , with 2 of them well built and the other one a little bit skinny. I have not seen this men in my training before. I asked them can I help you? They said they wanted to discuss with me on something.I asked them to wait while I getting ready. While getting myself ready I kept thinking what are these guys are up to?

         We left the house at about 7.30am and they are taking me on a motorbike . Earlier I thought only cars are using the modal name of Peugeot but its the first time I knew that motorbike did have a Peugeot brand. The motorbike looks like a " kapchai" ( Malaysian so called for a bike that are under 70 horse power). The different that it has a pedal like a bicycle and are used to start the motor. Its only carries 50 horse power.

         I was taken to a forest park , its about 10 minutes ride from my place. The forest are utilized by the city folk to performed their exercise workout and some of them just enjoying the breeze of the place. It was well preserved forest meant for tourist attraction. They parked the bike at a parking lot provided and we started walking deep into the bushes.

the preserved forest at Port Louis         
             Suddenly upon reaching  the place the wanted , they kneel down and pledge to me to take them as  students.They told me that they are embarrassed to do so if in a  training because they are so many other people around. I understand their emotions and  I agreed  to accept them as students. I told them to stand up and immediately I trained them in the forest. The became my loyal students until today. They are Rahim, Rafik and Jelani.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day Off

           Finally its my day off, after a full weeks of teaching. I make an appointment with Ali to go scuba. Ali is an instructor in scuba and he was called a master. He has promised to take me for a diving and going for a shipwreck somewhere near Grand Bay. I was ready waiting for him to fetch me up.Finally he came with his car which I cant remember the modal but at a glance its look like a Peugeot . He came with Teemul and we went straight to the diving center            
              At the diving center I met Faisol , he is an owner of the center and a friend of Ali and Teemul. We had a chat before preparing the equipments for the diving. He told me to take the diving license. I answer him with a smile and telling him next time when I am back in Mauritius. He sigh with my wishes. After chatting , we prepared all the necessary gadget for the dive. First we have to check on the oxygen nozzle whether it is working or not. Then we check whether the contain of the oxygen is enough. After that we check on the safety gear, if something happen while diving we have the so called backup nozzle to breath.Finish with all the inspections we are ready for the diving. Everyone choose their swimming suit that fit them. Today I will be diving with a group from Germany. They are four of them and only one of them are women.
               The boat are waiting for us. It speeds straight to the ocean until I cant see the shore. Finally it was the diving spot. The driver of the boat just send us there and he will come to pick up the team in 1 hour time. Everyone get the diving gear ready and that's includes me.We dive into the ocean and Ali lead all of us to the shipwreck. The view was awesome and amazing, its was so beautiful and this shows how great god creations. With colorful fish and the ocean floor moving we move to the wreckage . I was speechless upon seeing the spot. And my mind  keep speaking to myself  what a beautiful site and scenery.Everyone are using sign language while down the sea beneath. We can feel the time is running out and Ali signal all of us to push to the surface where  the boat are waiting for us. Everybody on board and we are heading straight to the shore with a memories that cant be erased forever.

with a team from Germany


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

First Training

           The first training was conducted at the backyard of the "spooky" house that I am staying. At the back of the house there's a swimming poll and enough space for a introductory training. In this early training not many attended due to the schedule has not been adjusted yet. Raffique and Yassin Owadally came for the first training.

            In the first training they are taught the basics movement of the Silat Seni Gayong art. Its easy to train them because they have the experience in martial arts. Raffique had a chance to learned Kokushinkai Karate and holder of a black belt and qualified to teach. He , himself are an instructor in the art. As per Yassin he is an instructor in Tai Chi and Shando boxing , its a Chinese kind of a martial arts.

           The training took about two solid hours and  Yassin was not a patient man as he wanted to have all the knowledge as quickly as he can. I told him silat is not like other martial arts , it might look similar but the method are not the same , it take sometimes to understand although you have a martial arts background.Overall the training ended in a harmony and friendly martial artist code of honour.

Raffique and Yassin in training performing Bunga Tanjong


            Rosebelle is a small town about 40 minutes drive from Port Louis. I was taken to Rosebelle to train Silat Seni Gayong there. Upon arrival there, waiting for me are about 19 students who are really interested of knowing and learning what is Silat Seni Gayong. Most of the pupil has trained  in Wushu and a member of Port Louis Wushu Association. It was really astonished me because earlier I thought I gone to conduct a Gayong class, turning into opening a Gayong training centre . I was so touch and proud that a training centre for Gayong will be inaugurated here in Rosebelle. I was been honour to commensurate the opening ceremony. It was a great sacrifice from the students of Rosebelle for their effort to setup a Gayong training center. After the ceremony we started the training until late night . I went back to the rented house and with a smile in the face and feel so proud that Gayong had a training center here at Mauritius.

Me and the students of Rosebelle after the opening ceremony

Monday, November 8, 2010


            From the city at Port Louis, I changed my accommodation to a house at Grand Baie. Grand Baie or Grand Bay are a tourist attraction center located about 30 minute driving from the city. A place full of hotels and chalet and tourist. With a beautiful beach the scenario are devastating . The beach are so beautiful , clean and even you can see a fish swimming to the shore because there are less waves due to the area are surrounded by coral reef. It was an amazing panorama especially during dusk .

             My house are just a glance from the beach. I was brought there at about 10pm at night. First I step in front of the house and take a view of it my occupant hair standing. The house look spooky. I was left there alone. I enter the house , its has five rooms and a pathways similar to a hotel. I choose to stay in the second room. After taking my shower and changing to my pajamas and started to go to bed. I feel that something is watching me, but I just ignoring it. Finally I went to sleep.

            At about 2am I felt that some heavy things are pressing my body . It was so heavy that make me cant move myself. Luckily after a few second it was over. I woke up immediately and switch on the light. Making some search to make sure there's no one there. I went to bed again, and at about 5am I woke up, because its time , I do wake up early. Nothing to do I just sit at a corridor facing the beach while feel the breeze and hearing the song of the waves. Suddenly with my side eyes I saw someone walking in and out, room number 5. But I was alone, and who is occupying the other room?. My mind start to ponder. Then I saw again , again and again, but I just ignored it . From that moment I knew that my housemate are a ghost. It was a spooky memorable moment that I have gone through will staying at a house near the beach of Grand Baie. In the morning my friend came and I told him about what happen last night. He told me that the house has not been occupied for many years and it just been renovated and I am the lucky first guest to rent there. What a spooky experience. .           
view of some houses that can be found at Grand Bay

The Initiation Ceremony

            As usual before going into training , the Gayong practitioner must been accepted as a student in an ceremony conducted by the qualified representative of the late founder of Silat Seni Gayong or the body that has the authority of doing so. This is not an exception to all who wanted to seek the knowledge of SIlat Seni Gayong whether its in Malaysia or outside Malaysia.

            This what the Mauritians went through. In performing the initiation, if the student are Muslim they are urge to recite a few versus of the Quran and if they are non Muslim they are pledge to an oath. This traditional ceremony has been passed through generation since during the days of the Malacca Sultanate.

the initiation ceremony

            After the ceremony the students has been accepted officially and can seek the knowledge of Silat Seni Gayong . In Gayong despite of the early traditional ceremony , they have to go to another similar ceremony before been teach how to handle a  weapon. This act were performed when the students are well verse with the bare hand technique that undergone through the early training.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Mauritians

            The arrival of Silat Seni Gayong at Mauritius were highlighted in a local newspaper. It was great to let the people know about the art that there never heard. I met a Taekwando master by the name of Asyek, he is a good men working with the police department as an inspector. He invited me for a dinner that I join him at evening. He has a great family and the warm well coming from all of the family are awesome. I met his father there, at the age of 80 , he is still strong. They are one of the muslim Indian family in Mauritius , his father practice ayurvedha. His father told me , to avoid stroke we must breath properly and do exercises.The exercise is simple just turn your neck in round and make a count as much as you can and change to the other side and repeat the same motion. That was a great knowledge.

Fish market
            Too many people I met while I am in Maurice (in French). Most of them invited me for a lunch , a dinner , a chat and I feel very comfortable just like home. Thanks to all this families for their warmest and family treat. Thanks to the family of Rafique which I called him Taro, to Jelanis where his friend called him two wife, to Teemul . to Yassin  and all the people who knew me, its too many that I have forgotten some. Sorry its not on purpose.

           Most of the families here living together , they have their grandfather,father, brothers and even if they are married they still living at the same house.Their house are divided into several rooms for all the families to have their private life even though if they are single or married.This make the family ties are strong and the relationship are tremendous.

traditional shop
               Majorities of the people I met are Indian Muslim and they are family traders which has been passed through generations.Living together surrounding are the Creole, they are the black African and most of them are fisherman. Amongst the nation of Mauritius they are the poorest and the laziest community. Beside that we have Chinese , although the community are small but manage to be a successfull  traders. One things that was really surprised me that the Chinese communities here cant speak their mother tongue, they only speak French, English and Creole.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Land of The Dodo - Mauritius

         Mauritius geographical situated at the east of African continent in the Indian Ocean.With an area of: 2040 sq km (787) sq mi), 500km east of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean.Mauritius are surrounded by Rodrigues Island, the Agalega island and Cargados Carajos Shoals.Port Louis are the biggest city and capital for Mauritius .

          Terrain: Volcanic island surrounded by coral reefs. A central plateau is rimmed by mountains. While Arab and Malay sailors knew of Mauritius as early as the 10th century AD and Portuguese sailors first visited in the 16th century, the island was first colonized in 1638 by the Dutch. Mauritius was populated over the next few centuries by waves of traders, planters and their slaves, indentured laborers, merchants, and artisans. The island was named in honor of Prince Maurice of Nassau by the Dutch, who abandoned the colony in 1710.

          The French claimed Mauritius in 1715 and renamed it Ile de France. It became a prosperous colony under the French East India Company. The French Government took control in 1767, and the island served as a naval and privateer base during the Napoleonic wars. In 1810, Mauritius was captured by the British, whose possession of the island was confirmed 4 years later by the Treaty of Paris. French institutions, including the Napoleonic code of law, were maintained. The French language is still used more widely than English

Gayong In Mauritius

             In the year 2000 Gayong spread their wings over this tiny island of Mauritius. I landed safely in July 2000. Arriving at a new and bizzare land that was colonised by the Portugese, Dutch, French and lastly British. It was amazing when the first time you step on this island because you are looking at a massed of sugarcane plantations, one of the biggest I guess. Its really stuck me when they harvesting the sugarcane, they burned them down and it was a huge inferno spreading the plantations farm. Its my first time thou, watching at a sugarcane been burned and that the only way of doing it to make it easy when chopping them.

           Passing through the capital Port Louis we can see uphill theres a castle abandoned by the colony and was build by the Dutch in the 17 centuries. Port Louis populated around 400,000 thousand if Im not mistaken and 19% of the populations are Indian Muslim. Its not surprising when you are at Port Louis , theres Chinatown standing proudly representing the chinese as a trader during the era of colonisation.

         Somewhere near the Chinatown situated a mosque built by the Arabs and according to the local , once the whole city was burning with a huge inferno cracking the building all over and standing with proud without any scratch the mosque itself, this is miracles.

with Jelani
        I was taken to a hotel..for me is not an hotel its just like a lodge because the owner lived at the back of the house. I rent a room there with breakfast been served. The place name as Gaddafi Squares. From my accomodation I can see many traders especially muslim because Im  staying in the muslim section, and it shock me because theirs a banner wellcoming me and Gayong to the island.Its really touched my hearts.

with Raffique's family