Thursday, November 11, 2010


            It was a Sunday morning and the streets seems sound very quiet. I pulled my blanket to continue my sleep. The wrist watch shows that it is 6.30am and its still early. Luckily today there,s no training so I can be in bed as long as I wanted. Today I am on my own to counting the streets of Port Louis. I haven't got a chance to do so due to the training session are tight. I plan to scouting the city pathways to make myself occupied for the day.

          While I was compliments myself I heard someone knocking at my rooms door. I looked at my wrist watch , It was 7am, the time ticking so fast that I don't  realized , I have been strolling in bed thinking of my plan for today. I woke up upon hearing the knocking, standing there are 3 men , with 2 of them well built and the other one a little bit skinny. I have not seen this men in my training before. I asked them can I help you? They said they wanted to discuss with me on something.I asked them to wait while I getting ready. While getting myself ready I kept thinking what are these guys are up to?

         We left the house at about 7.30am and they are taking me on a motorbike . Earlier I thought only cars are using the modal name of Peugeot but its the first time I knew that motorbike did have a Peugeot brand. The motorbike looks like a " kapchai" ( Malaysian so called for a bike that are under 70 horse power). The different that it has a pedal like a bicycle and are used to start the motor. Its only carries 50 horse power.

         I was taken to a forest park , its about 10 minutes ride from my place. The forest are utilized by the city folk to performed their exercise workout and some of them just enjoying the breeze of the place. It was well preserved forest meant for tourist attraction. They parked the bike at a parking lot provided and we started walking deep into the bushes.

the preserved forest at Port Louis         
             Suddenly upon reaching  the place the wanted , they kneel down and pledge to me to take them as  students.They told me that they are embarrassed to do so if in a  training because they are so many other people around. I understand their emotions and  I agreed  to accept them as students. I told them to stand up and immediately I trained them in the forest. The became my loyal students until today. They are Rahim, Rafik and Jelani.


  1. nk dptkn ilmu smpai cm 2 skali...
    hebat btol...
    sungguh bertuah spe yg dpt berguru dgn cikgu....
    trima kasih cikgu....

  2. macam-macam ragam manusia ini...kesungguhan yang di tunjukkan...

  3. btol2....
    bak kata pptah
    nk sribu daya...xnk seribu dalih...
