Tuesday, November 9, 2010


            Rosebelle is a small town about 40 minutes drive from Port Louis. I was taken to Rosebelle to train Silat Seni Gayong there. Upon arrival there, waiting for me are about 19 students who are really interested of knowing and learning what is Silat Seni Gayong. Most of the pupil has trained  in Wushu and a member of Port Louis Wushu Association. It was really astonished me because earlier I thought I gone to conduct a Gayong class, turning into opening a Gayong training centre . I was so touch and proud that a training centre for Gayong will be inaugurated here in Rosebelle. I was been honour to commensurate the opening ceremony. It was a great sacrifice from the students of Rosebelle for their effort to setup a Gayong training center. After the ceremony we started the training until late night . I went back to the rented house and with a smile in the face and feel so proud that Gayong had a training center here at Mauritius.

Me and the students of Rosebelle after the opening ceremony

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