Friday, November 19, 2010

Strolling Around The Streets

           Today  I woke up at 7am local time, Cikgu Fadzil is already well groom. We are going down to the cafe to get our breakfast.The cafe serve breakfast between 7am to 10am. I went to the shower and get myself ready because I dont want Cikgu Fadzil waiting for me too long.

           At the cafe I had a bread and eggs and many more delicacies because there a lot of choice of varieties.After finish we were called for a briefing of what are the plan for today. And we were told the plan only starts tomorrow and we are free to comfort our self with own activity. I decided to have a  preliminary walk at the nearby street around the hotel.

          So I took the walk with Cikgu Fadzil seems that the other team mate have their own agenda and itinerary.While walking we can see a lot of multi purpose stalls selling bread and so on.We just had a glimpse at what they are selling.

the bread seller      
             In my mind Im looking for, if possible to accidentally passing over martial arts club. Because I still remember back in 1987 World Silat Championship in Kuala Lumpur theres a group from Turkey performing silat. Thats the last I seen of them. Im luckily that day we went into a bulding and at the ground floor there are a Karate Club and teach various martial arts.Unfortunately its too early for us , the club is closed.On that day we just spend our time on viewing the streets and activies of the Turkish people.

strolling around Istanbul

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