Monday, November 8, 2010


            From the city at Port Louis, I changed my accommodation to a house at Grand Baie. Grand Baie or Grand Bay are a tourist attraction center located about 30 minute driving from the city. A place full of hotels and chalet and tourist. With a beautiful beach the scenario are devastating . The beach are so beautiful , clean and even you can see a fish swimming to the shore because there are less waves due to the area are surrounded by coral reef. It was an amazing panorama especially during dusk .

             My house are just a glance from the beach. I was brought there at about 10pm at night. First I step in front of the house and take a view of it my occupant hair standing. The house look spooky. I was left there alone. I enter the house , its has five rooms and a pathways similar to a hotel. I choose to stay in the second room. After taking my shower and changing to my pajamas and started to go to bed. I feel that something is watching me, but I just ignoring it. Finally I went to sleep.

            At about 2am I felt that some heavy things are pressing my body . It was so heavy that make me cant move myself. Luckily after a few second it was over. I woke up immediately and switch on the light. Making some search to make sure there's no one there. I went to bed again, and at about 5am I woke up, because its time , I do wake up early. Nothing to do I just sit at a corridor facing the beach while feel the breeze and hearing the song of the waves. Suddenly with my side eyes I saw someone walking in and out, room number 5. But I was alone, and who is occupying the other room?. My mind start to ponder. Then I saw again , again and again, but I just ignored it . From that moment I knew that my housemate are a ghost. It was a spooky memorable moment that I have gone through will staying at a house near the beach of Grand Baie. In the morning my friend came and I told him about what happen last night. He told me that the house has not been occupied for many years and it just been renovated and I am the lucky first guest to rent there. What a spooky experience. .           
view of some houses that can be found at Grand Bay

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