Saturday, November 6, 2010

Gayong In Mauritius

             In the year 2000 Gayong spread their wings over this tiny island of Mauritius. I landed safely in July 2000. Arriving at a new and bizzare land that was colonised by the Portugese, Dutch, French and lastly British. It was amazing when the first time you step on this island because you are looking at a massed of sugarcane plantations, one of the biggest I guess. Its really stuck me when they harvesting the sugarcane, they burned them down and it was a huge inferno spreading the plantations farm. Its my first time thou, watching at a sugarcane been burned and that the only way of doing it to make it easy when chopping them.

           Passing through the capital Port Louis we can see uphill theres a castle abandoned by the colony and was build by the Dutch in the 17 centuries. Port Louis populated around 400,000 thousand if Im not mistaken and 19% of the populations are Indian Muslim. Its not surprising when you are at Port Louis , theres Chinatown standing proudly representing the chinese as a trader during the era of colonisation.

         Somewhere near the Chinatown situated a mosque built by the Arabs and according to the local , once the whole city was burning with a huge inferno cracking the building all over and standing with proud without any scratch the mosque itself, this is miracles.

with Jelani
        I was taken to a hotel..for me is not an hotel its just like a lodge because the owner lived at the back of the house. I rent a room there with breakfast been served. The place name as Gaddafi Squares. From my accomodation I can see many traders especially muslim because Im  staying in the muslim section, and it shock me because theirs a banner wellcoming me and Gayong to the island.Its really touched my hearts.

with Raffique's family


  1. The first time I got there in Mauritius,I was really amazed with their crops especially the thing that i'd be missing in this beautiful island is its awesome beach..we had been touring around
    Sands Resort Mauritius
    ..the place is just so lovely..

  2. The Mauritius expert...i agreed with you, what a lovely place and do travel and visit to the island frequently....
