Monday, November 29, 2010

Second Demonstration

           We were at the exhibitions hall again. Every team are ready to fulfill their task and responsibilities. This time we were locate at Malaysian booth . Me and Cikgu Fadzil will perform pentas ( a choreograph movement) today. We have made the preparations since last two days. The section at the booth are floored with a wood based platform and it is very slippery. Since the weather are cold so we had to put on our socks. And we didn't realized earlier by putting the socks,  it's going to make our movement more slippery.
          But we had no choice because our feet are cold and by the time we noticed it, the event already started. So me and Cikgu Fadzil has to really control our self while performing . Although it is slippery which like having a skate on our feet but we manage to finish our performance without embarrassing our self. Now I noticed that it's important in training to built a strong leg and this experience has proven the ability. To those out there when you are in training silat please concentrate on your stance as much as you can.
         The day finish accordingly and many visitors taking live photo of the performance and we are quite a glamorous that day, and a bonus to all of the team mate. I guess what expenses been dump through out the exhibitions worthwhile.

Cikgu Fadzil In Silat Uniform

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