Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day Off

           Finally its my day off, after a full weeks of teaching. I make an appointment with Ali to go scuba. Ali is an instructor in scuba and he was called a master. He has promised to take me for a diving and going for a shipwreck somewhere near Grand Bay. I was ready waiting for him to fetch me up.Finally he came with his car which I cant remember the modal but at a glance its look like a Peugeot . He came with Teemul and we went straight to the diving center            
              At the diving center I met Faisol , he is an owner of the center and a friend of Ali and Teemul. We had a chat before preparing the equipments for the diving. He told me to take the diving license. I answer him with a smile and telling him next time when I am back in Mauritius. He sigh with my wishes. After chatting , we prepared all the necessary gadget for the dive. First we have to check on the oxygen nozzle whether it is working or not. Then we check whether the contain of the oxygen is enough. After that we check on the safety gear, if something happen while diving we have the so called backup nozzle to breath.Finish with all the inspections we are ready for the diving. Everyone choose their swimming suit that fit them. Today I will be diving with a group from Germany. They are four of them and only one of them are women.
               The boat are waiting for us. It speeds straight to the ocean until I cant see the shore. Finally it was the diving spot. The driver of the boat just send us there and he will come to pick up the team in 1 hour time. Everyone get the diving gear ready and that's includes me.We dive into the ocean and Ali lead all of us to the shipwreck. The view was awesome and amazing, its was so beautiful and this shows how great god creations. With colorful fish and the ocean floor moving we move to the wreckage . I was speechless upon seeing the spot. And my mind  keep speaking to myself  what a beautiful site and scenery.Everyone are using sign language while down the sea beneath. We can feel the time is running out and Ali signal all of us to push to the surface where  the boat are waiting for us. Everybody on board and we are heading straight to the shore with a memories that cant be erased forever.

with a team from Germany