Sunday, October 27, 2013

Tak Sembang Tapi Tunjuk Bukti #2

It reminded me of my teaching day to two of my students who designated as a policeman. They came  every Wednesday night to sharpen their skills. It refresh my memory of them when my student from Paris recently asked me about an ancient exercise of hardening the hand. I have been asked these questions by a Wing Chun practitioner living in Rennes, about 2 hours by TGV from Paris way back 2 years ago.  I shared some of the secret which he didn't manage to find the ingredients I guess, and since then we have lost contact. It is all started with a story about Malay art of hand exercise and without my intention this new student of mine request from me to exposed the secret. I replied with a smiled and nodded, understand of his request.

Aziz dan Johar Beraksi Dalam Satu Majlis Gayong

Towards his question instantly it remind me of Aziz and Johar that been told the secret when they pursue their training before. With a highly discipline and persistent they completed the training for 44days with new experience. Once it has been completed they shared me the experience they had during the session. I have been told in the 21days they manage to thrust a plywood board through. I just smiled and feel proud of them, and all the effort they made in training paid. It make them believe more of Silat Seni Gayong ancient hand exercise and eagerness appeared from their face to seek more knowledge. It all started when both of them were taught a techniques of finger thrust. They were asked to bring a banana stems when coming for training. They did obey the order and while practice the hardening hand method they have to train with the banana stems. That is their experience during their colors of time, and hope all of us have the same experience or more daring than that which I am certainly sure.

Not that all during the time of their training whatever they hold would be broken into two for example a chalk, a pencil etc. It is a hard time for them, but for seeking the end result they ignored all this difficulties. When we apply correctly the training in Silat Seni Gayong, it really works and the ancient training appropriate at any time. The full knowledge of these kind of training can be claim from a knowledgeable teacher. The training in Gayong as it said, "tak sembang tapi tunjuk bukti".

Semoga kita diberkati.

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