Friday, November 1, 2013

It's An Honor

This is not the first time photo of Silat Seni Gayong published in Karate Bushido. As I remember in 1990 a photo of Silat Seni Gayong team was given an honor to be printed in the magazine. After exchanging email few times with Karate Bushido magazine finally the photo session took place. It was done at Kajyn Club, Paris. The session was scheduled at 17h30 on 30 October 2013. Motive of the session is to promote Silat Seni Gayong and the article will be published on the next coming magazine. It is all a hard work of my student, friend, brother and family, Anthony Pousset who has put all his effort to get the work materialized. Thank to him for his passion in Silat Seni Gayong.

Setting The Venue
I was there sharp at 17h00 and so does Anthony.When we reach there the photographer is busy preparing his equipment for the photo session. When everything is ready, while waiting for the editor to arrive we take a few shots of the photo. Anthony assist me on that occasion and we try our best to give an idea on photo what is Silat Seni Gayong.

Me and Anthony

Trial Shot

The photo session went smoothly and so does the interview. Many shots was taken on Silat Seni Gayong techniques and solo photo as well to choose for a better scene to be publish in the magazine. All this result are followed because of "Jelajah KHTC "  last April. Thank you for all the effort of making Silat Seni Gayong to be more known in Europe indirectly.

We hope with this event will make Silat Seni Gayong more strong in Europe and hoping that all the Gayong brothers and sisters  in Europe can work hand in hand for making Silat Seni Gayong a loving art.

Semoga kita diberkati.

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