Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Gayong - An Introduction On Healing

All the while we only have been introduced on the art of the martial. It is not completed if we don’t know the art of healing in Silat Seni Gayong. As healing in various methods, curing a blade cut, healing a dislocated joint, many more and sometimes maybe related with some spiritual aspect.

I had an experienced once in a training session a student of mine is possessed and turning himself acting like an animal. With the knowledge, we manage to overcome the situation. Must bear in mind, it is very important to be discipline when to start a training session and closing, should be done focus and reciting of AlIkhlas with full concentration. While doing so, ignore any disturbance until we really had completed the session. It is part of a method to avoid any spiritual in order inside and outside the training compound.

When training goes on, it is normal to get cut while using any sharp blade. If this happen a used of the saliva are common to stop the blood and to sore the cut. This applies on small cut maybe from the slice of a knife. The healing method is inclusive of ease the poison, to stop the blood and eases the pain of the cut.
Gambar Hiasan

As usual Gayong methods are always with the combination of petua and ilmu. On the paragraph above, saliva act as a petua while the ilmu is “bismillah Allah Hu.....” .The saliva was taken from the sky of the mouth and using mother finger. With the ilmu it was apply to the cut section. If the cut is bigger for an example in a war where the wound is greater Gayong method of healing is to expose the body to dew and a special kind of ilmu were apply in the healing. It was told that the person with the wound would recover and return back to the war zone. The way of doing it is reciting the ilmu while stroking to the wound section gently while rubbing the dew.

It is normal to get swelling in any situation, maybe from a strike in training. As a qualified instructor and knowledgeable to refrain the swelling an amal was apply by reciting “bismllah..mumazakallah hu.....”, and rubbing at the section gently.

As we view it every steps of Gayong there is always petua and ilmu. What usually done when performing boiling oil is massaging the oil to the body? Do we ever think that if the boiling oil really burns our hand when we dip into it? It happened once in Ampang during performing the event in the old days. Water was used with a special recite of a doa to recover the blister. It is very important when preparing the boiling oil one must have the full knowledge and a very high adap and discipline of the whole process.

The healing method in Gayong is a part of first aid that was generated from generation and always gets a medical assistance if things did happen. The combination of petua and ilmu of the old method with the modern medication should go in line depending on the case.

I hope with this small sharing will unbuckle our enthusiastic spirit to seek more knowledge of Silat Seni Gayong, not only on the martial side but also on the healing way of it.

May all of us be bless.

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