Wednesday, May 11, 2011


            It has been 20 years since the late founder Meor Abdul Rahman decease. Time passed after all these years, the memories of him still circling in my mind. He was a great father and teacher who spent all his life spreading and uniting the Malay through Silat Seni Gayong. Sitting at the wide door of his house looking straight to the car passing by is the spot he spends on most of his free time. 

           We can see through his face how happy he is when been visited by Silat Seni Gayong students from all over the country. Standing tall and with his chequers design sarong and without shirt welcoming his students to his home. He is a very discipline man and a man with much laughter, looking serious but has a very loving heart.

White Building "Surau", On The Right "Balai Adat"

           At that time surrounding the house is full of trees and some are fruits tree. At the back of the house is a field and after the field we can see a hill that at far sight separated by the railway line. Before the field there is an area where all the weight lifting equipment is arranged. Looking towards on the right facing the fields is a “surau” with a stairs up high. Near the “surau” located the long house that accommodates a student who wishes to spend a night while having training. In this long house I left my head cover ( songkok) which I have forgotten  to packed during my time there. 

A Demo At The Back Field

           At the end of the long house located a well which the water was yellow coloured. At that time the breeze are very cosy and the feeling are great. Before the fields and attach with the main house are the “Balai Adat” that witness all the great ceremony of “Adat Istiadat” in Silat Seni Gayong.

Inside "Balai Adat"

           In the “Balai Adat” hanging surrounding the wall is the photo of the great founder himself. There’s also an area for the traditional music group to perform at all the “adat istiadat” function. It was amazing and the feeling are such engrosses when the music played. Facing the entrance and straight towards the end are the stage for the founder to sit with his family when undertake custom event.

           I hope things can turn around, with all the happy and great moments of the place of Silat Seni Gayong. All the great moments are gone and it was very sad after the founder left us forever the memory of this beautiful and coloured gracious place followed together. What left out are the bushes and a ruin of the beloved house. The fields has turned into small forest and even sad where part of the land been taken by the railway authorities for the extension of the railway line. My tear drops when remembering a place at one time once visited by many now faded swallowed by precious history. I wish it will be remain forever. Hidup Silat Seni Gayong.

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