Monday, May 9, 2011

Here I Go Again

            Students come and go, that’s the circulation of the martial arts life. Every time we meet with different people and get to know different culture and every moment is a learning program. I was visited recently by martial arts students from France. He spends about three weeks learning and sharing knowledge on Silat Seni Gayong. A very young and intelligent person, at the age of 23years old, Nasreddine Sennouci makes his path of seeking the knowledge of Silat Seni Gayong. He had learned a silat style from Indonesia but that doesn’t stop him from seeking others to satisfy him. 

Frog Leap

Langkah Training

           What make him very eager to seek the knowledge of Silat Seni Gayong, as I have been told that he was like been brought to learned this art in a dream. From that day he searches in the net for these arts and there we met. According to him this is the first time he left France on a journey, never in his life he had travel out from his country. 

Langkah Training

Basic Avoiding Technique

           The hospitality is mine; I picked him up at the airport and brought him back to my house at Rathmines. A very warm welcome and he said he just feel like home and the treatment he get just like he had known me for a long time. As for me this is not my very first time, I had been visited from various kinds of students from various kinds of countries. All had the same passion and interest, to seek the knowledge of Silat Seni Gayong.

A Questions For An Answer

Avoiding An Attack

           A law students and has two brothers, one are interested in soccer and the other are in computers.  He had lived in a three room’s apartment with his mother who works at one of the consulate office in France. He had spent his life learning martial arts from the age of 9 and learned from various style from Tae Kwon Do,Boxing,Silat Setia Hati Terate and Vietvodao a Vietnamese style fighting.

Memories After Training

Memories After Initiation Ceremony

          The passion of the art doesn’t stop there and because of that passion has brought him here for the knowledge. As usual with a short and limited time the training conducted is intensive. What the most nightmares are the warming up exercise for the beginners in feeling the art of Silat Seni Gayong. He told me at his place when he learned most of the practitioners are keener on seeking the techniques and only a few are really keen to dig the art they learned until the bottom. The training that he had with his previous art comparing with the training he had in Silat Seni Gayong are not comparable. According to him this is the art that he is looking and interest at, the art of the traditional and full of culture and devastating techniques.

The Training

Explaining Bunga Tanjung

            A lot of questions been throw on understanding the concept and all are answered satisfy. One of the questions that are asked, are the nerves techniques that I present in a video shown through you tube and face book whether it is real. A question I have expected and because of the questions he got the feel of it and after the action he became speechless and the nightmares began, due to the techniques he felt that are not explainable unless you got a feel of it. Before he goes to sleep he kept thinking how and how and how it happens and even when he speaks to his brother about it the brother didn’t believe it. 

Touring The Streets

The Chef In Making


            A mystery hop in his mind and that is Silat Seni Gayong, an art full of mysteries. The training doesn’t stop only on silat , he also learned to cook and he did cooked lasagna for the dinner and never forget learning Malay language. I guess my training are consists of everything and I felt this is one of the way to tighten the brotherhood. We all gone to miss him and hope of meeting him again for sharing more knowledge. All the best to my students Nasreddine Sennouci.

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