Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Bengkong" The Forgotten Custom.

          “Bengkong” as we called it in Malay known as belt. A “bengkong” or belt is something that tied on the waist. In Silat Seni Gayong the level of each student are counted from different colours of the “bengkong”.  In the early days there’s no belt ranking. The belt ranking were only been instituted somewhere between the end of 1960 and early 1970. The purposes of restructuring the level are made to equate to the development of the martial arts of the world. Silat Seni Gayong was the first Malay silat to implement this kind of system. In Silat Seni Gayong the belt colours are white, green and red, yellow and black. It’s a different in other martial arts especially that originate from Japan or Korea where the new student wear white belt. In silat Seni Gayong the new student wear black colour belt. This is because in Silat Seni Gayong the philosophy is that all the human being are born as symbolic are black. And when the beginning is black so the ending is black as well because the black is like a shadow, where every single human and living thing has a black shadow, that means we are equal and we are from one Almighty creator.
White Belt
           The colours of the “bengkong” in Silat Seni Gayong are the same as in the emblem of the school. The colour white represents purity, green represents Islamic, red represents courage, yellow represents the sovereignty and black represents the shadow. That’s the definition of philosophy in terms of language, in terms of spiritual, white represents the “subuh” the early morning prayer, green represents the” zuhr” the noon prayer, red represents the “asar” the evening prayer, yellow represents the “maghrib” the dusk prayer and black represents the “isyak” the night prayer. When a student has passed all the test and upgrade their level from a black beginner to white to green to red, the “bengkong “ system changed starting from red which will have red Dan one up to three and yellow Dan one up to five and black Dan one up to six.  Black Dan seven only worn by the late founder Dato Meor Abdul Rahman. The highest ranking of “bengkong” for the practitioners is black Dan six. Dan as we called it in other martial arts are called “Chula” in Silat Seni  Gayong. 
Red  Belt 3rd Dan

Black Belt 1st Dan

           The “bengkong”in Silat Seni Gayong is part of the custom in the disciple. On what area that the “bengkong” are consider as a custom? During the delivering and receiving of the “bengkong” is one of the customs in Silat Seni Gayong. But most forgotten custom on the “bengkong” is the measurements. Each “bengkong” must be measured with a body segment according to individual. The measurements are based on “ sedepa”, “sehasta”,”sejengkal”, “satu tapak tangan”. These are the correct “bengkong” measurements. The “bengkong” must pointed at the edge. And the “bengkong” of Silat Seni Gayong must not merge with other colours, and it must remain only one colour, for example if yellow remain as it is and is against the code of a warrior to have yellow merge with other colours at the belt edge. The concept that tries to explain here is that the “bengkong “is part of can be used weapon to defend the user. If graft together with other cloth the sewn might be snap while trying to defending the user. During the days of the founder “bengkong” as reward were given to students for their contribution to the school, and this “bengkong” are graft together with other colours. The “bengkong” not meant for wearing on the waist it just like an award to be kept as a memorable reward. 

The Knot

          Another custom etiquette of the “bengkong “as we neglect, is the way of tying it to the waist. There are two type of binding, first the knot towards the front of the belly the other the knot are at the side of the waist on the right side. And while doing this makes sure the knot are tied in a way that easy to open or it will broken when pulled. Silat Seni Gayong is rich with customs and etiquette of the Malay which are passed from generations. Preserving and sharing this knowledge must be cultivated for this culture remains.

                                     “ Silat Seni Gayong Bersendikan Adat”   

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