Monday, February 14, 2011

Birthday Party

            It was spring and it was the end of March. I was informed by the other members that a Gayong sister will celebrate their birthday that April. Their dates of birth are just a different of hours of a day. So we had plan for a soft party, to commensurate on the celebrations. Only a few came for the day because it was done at night and we wanted to celebrate both since that the birthday just a day different. The lucky birthday girls were Shidah and Mas and both of them didn’t realise that they gone to have a birthday cake that day. As usual the foods were prepared by Jue with the help from others. The venue for the party is at room no 023 which was located at Griffith College. These room was like an operations room for Gayong members when holding a gathering. Even the room act as a training place once a while. What a convenience room and applicable for many activities. 

Cake For Shidah

Cake For Mas

Both Birthday Girls Feeding Each Others

Birthday Girls

Jue The Chef Enjoying The Cake

           While the others preparing for the food, I decided to buy a cake for the birthday girls. The pastries shops were a walking distance from the college.  I bought two cakes and hide the cake before the time of celebrations. And we were surprise because one of the members are preparing a cake as well. It was a very cute cheese cake that was prepared by Haris.Everyone is waiting for the moment of celebration. We called up all the members at the room 017 and 010 for the event. And not to forget the birthday girl Mas because she stay about five minutes walk from the college while the other birthday girl Shidah stayed in the college hall room 023.Everyone has gather than the party start. Starting with a birthday song in Malay and a wish of blessing and prosperous coming years finally the cake was cut. Both birthday girls had a blushing face and the rooms outraged with laughter. We had a great birthday party that day although it was a soft party but the most important things is the remembrances  the families ties of Gayong.Wishing all the best and blessing  for the coming future for both of the girls and to all the members.Amin.

1 comment:

  1. miss nyer rumah nie...
    ohh rumahku syurgaku...tai bukan rumah ku lagi...
