Sunday, December 26, 2010

Last Round

            It has been a long stay in Tunis. I will be going on my next adventure to another place spreading Silat Seni Gayong. Before leaving I take this opportunities to do some shopping for souvenoirs to make as a memorable gift for my trip. Always a must everywhere I step into a new or old places I will buy something for memories. Nevertheless taking a photo as well, because there's always something new things happening where ever you visited and changes to the place although you have visited it many times.

           I take my chance to strolling around Tunis city again, especially medina , the place where you can get and choose and make bargain on souveniors or cultural products produce by the Tunisian. Most of the item here , such as pottery plate and other things are a one stop center meant for the tourist.. It' s a must to buy a couscous pot , since it was a traditional pot for cooking a special dish called couscous itself. Couscous is a pot with a plate at the bottom covered by like a hat pot which are placed on top.

Couscous Pot
            Despite doing some shopping I also take that opportunity to take some photos at the city centre. There a lot of historical building such as the theater , the cathedral, the administration building , that should be taken as it's an attraction of Tunis. With this photos memories during my visit to Tunisia will always be etched and can view whats the development that gone to happen in Tunisia in the next future. My visit to this land of Hannibal going to be a memorable and feel very proud that Gayong has spread its wings again in this Northern land of Africa. Hopefully Gayong will remain after this and spread to it's neighbouring countries. InsyaAllah.

Bourgiba avenue

Pottery Plate

Streets Of Tunis

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