Saturday, December 25, 2010


            Hammamet is a town in Tunisia and popular with its beaches and swimming and water sports. Located in the south east of  the northern peninsular of cap Bon , on the northern edge of the Gulf of Hammamet. What make Hammamet atrraction is that central located, with restaurants, hotels, beaches and very easy access. Its a place for tourist spending their time at the beach and activities along the beaches. Hammamet beaches go on for kilometers , and there virtually no point along the coast that doesn't allow swimming. Therefore despite with a heavy loaded of tourist Hammamet maintain the cleanness of the beaches.

Hammamet Medina
          Everywhere in Tunis theres a medina , a place selling souvenirs and cultural products of Tunisian. The medina dates long way back, where its safe living and trade here. Its excellent and the streets offer much authentic experience since souvenir stalls fill most street. Some local economic activity is still visible , mainly dealing with small boat fishing .

Kasbah Fort
            With white washes houses mushrooming surrounding, with a late afternoon colour cascades turn into yellow and orange matched by the blue sea, it was a spectacular view. Hammamet consists of old and new, old such as Kasbah a historical castle along to walk with. The new Hammamet modern town is truly all about tourism, with pedestrian friendly streets and boulevards lined with restaurants and shops. Hammamet is so huge place where it comprise of the old and modern traditions and a place for all sort of ages strolling, visiting, entertainment and pleasure facing the Mediterranean blue coloured ocean.

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