Friday, November 5, 2010

Gayong Brotherhood.

         When we have decided to take Gayong as our martial arts disciple we must considering the brotherhood of Gayong. In Gayong brotherhood are part of the teaching, that all Silat Seni Gayong practitioners are our brothers no matter what colour they are. If they have a problem its our responsibility to help or given a hand to soften their grief.

Hichem and Lotf  feel the training at Gelanggang Universitii Malaya

         That is what happen to Hichem and Lotf. during their training, they are brought to a  few of Gayong's training ground to feel the brotherhood of Gayong within. They train together , feeling the pain together and tried to work as a team and got the chance to trained with various kind of Gayong's students and feel the unification of this old arts.

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