Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Silibus Gayong Dengan Pengesahan Almarhum Dato Meor

When talking about syllabus in Silat Seni Gayong, we are always come across a discussion pertaining to the matters. The development of the syllabus is so great that shows Silat Seni Gayong is full of knowledge. As per the process the founder teaching all over the country brilliantly in a different method and techniques without leaving the basic movement of the tapak. If we really understand Silat Seni Gayong we can truly recognised tapak gayong and there will be no doubts about the techniques prevail.

Syllabus maybe various from north to south and west to east but the originality of the movements are on the tapak which only a master can recognised it. No matter what the arrangements of the syllabus are, as long as there are existent of the known tapak gayong there are considered Silat Seni Gayong.

For those who are seeking the syllabus what been recognised or taught by the founder during his years, here I share some of the document pertaining to some of the syllabus in Silat Seni Gayong signed by the late founder. Hope with these document ease some of the doubt pertaining to the art.

Sebahagian Dokumen Silibus Silat Seni Gayong Yang Ditandatangani Pengesahannya Oleh Almarhum Dato Meor Abdul Rahman b Uda Hashim Dalam Simpanan Penulis

In the syllabus it was stated Elakan Serangan,Tenggling Anak Harimau etc. Due to the times the syllabus document  does not in good order and it is a bit difficult to read and sometimes not cleared. Anyway it can be a guideline on what is the syllabus in Silat Seni Gayong that has been verify by the late founder. I hope this sharing is another revelation of the great treasure of the founder which are in my collection for the history and gaze for all Silat Seni Gayong practitioners. 

Maybe there are more treasure of Silat Seni Gayong out there with certain individuals which are valuable for the practitioner who seeking the history of Silat Seni Gayong. With my humble, I hope this small sharing will be the beginning of our understanding of Silat Seni Gayong.

May we all be blessed with all the barakah.Amin

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