Thursday, February 9, 2012

We Are One

The Gayong emphasize the significant of brotherhood. These cultures are also part of the Malay social life. In my training centre in Kuala Lumpur we received a visit from a group of Silat Seni Gayong students from UITM Perlis. It was not an official visit, it just a courtesy for the sake of brotherhood in Gayong.

Visiting Members of Gayong From UITM Perlis

These is not the first time we been visited by the members of Silat Seni Gayong. Sometimes the students come to visit and further their skill in the art. We recently had a visit from our brother from Sarawak to sharpen their skill in the art. For us at the training centre knowledge is to be share and we accept any Silat Seni Gayong practitioner no matter where they came from various gelanggang or instructors.

Sharing Students From Mauritius

Sharing Student From Tunisia

In the training centre we stressed the concept of equality and improving the skill until the maximum and a strong brotherhood ties. All the students are treated the same in training and ties of the brotherhood marked for unification for all. There is no politics in our training centre; we try to uplift the culture, the knowledge of Silat Seni Gayong without looking at the background of the members.

In has been known that the training centre also received international students who came to further their knowledge in this art. Students from Mauritius, Tunisia and other parts of the world had their skill groom for a better understanding of the art.

For us what we did is for the love to our art Silat Seni Gayong and only seeking the barakah from it.

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