Thursday, January 19, 2012

2012 The Dragon Year

The Golden Dragon

A year of 2012, in Chinese lunar is a year of the dragon. Hoping that this year more development and progressive in Silat Seni Gayong. Flashing back on the tough and struggle upon spreading Gayong with “fitnah” and a group of people who wanted to tarnish my reputation in Gayong, and praised to Allah AlMighty I manage to pass the test. With a dragon year I am hoping with a better understanding in the organisation and to the people who had bad intention to change and working together for the sake of our beloved Gayong.

The most important is the mind or “akal”, which are the most precious and highly valued in each human being. Think wise and act wisely, don’t think the other way, negative. Most of us thinking on our lust and at the end it result with uncomfortable feeling between each other. This is not Silat Seni Gayong teaching, in Gayong we are taught to be together and working together for the phosphorus of mankind.

Many students of Gayong saying that they understand the philosophy, but in reality they are been diverse by the not a clear heart. As a brother in Silat Seni Gayong we will have to be always pray for the goodness of our brothers and showing them a correct way to followed. If this does not happen and still keeping with the bad value, they shall wait for the wrath.

Anyway for the dragon year we hope the entire negative revered to positive and for a better Silat Seni Gayong brotherhood.

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