Saturday, November 5, 2011


I salute for those who have sacrificed their time and money, family and career with all their great effort to spread Silat Seni Gayong. This great credit goes to all whether in Malaysia and internationally.

For those who had done a gob job back home, keep up the good phase and for those in other country should do the same time. Being back home at the heart of Silat Seni Gayong homeland the atmosphere is different when an effort made for spreading the art. The only think that must be bear in mind back home is ignoring the politics in the organisations whether individual politics or so on. 

Environment if compare to spreading Silat Seni Gayong in overseas the conjecture is different. The cost of doing it here are more expensive then we think. The standard of living, the legislation and the culture, the people and all things need you to be strong when paddling for the success.

Nobody helping you here, only who with any means doing things for the successful of the organisation and the art. Nobody knows what really happened, what people notice is that Silat Seni Gayong been spread. Salute again to all the instructors on their effort.

For those who been a strong supporter for this art should also been salute, without them things won’t work. As the philosophy of Silat Seni Gayong : ” doing things together of making sure for the success”.

We might have different understanding in many ways but we do have one target, is making sure our art are been uplifted to a standard that meets the requirements.

With all the blessing on this Eid Adha , I wish all the directly involved and not, stay in line for upholding  our beloved Silat Seni Gayong . This message goes to all of Silat Seni Gayong practitioner internationally.

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