Sunday, November 13, 2011

Gayong Kin

Kumbang Hitam and Tiger Singapura

Gayong Brotherhood

As scrolling through my photo collections I come across an old photo when visiting Pertubuhan Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia Bahagian Negeri Perlis. The treatments are overwhelming and a great brotherhood ties.

We were brought to their training centre and there we met a man known as “Singapore Tiger”. A man standing tall with a high spirit and enthusiasm, sacrifice for the art he loved Silat Seni Gayong. A man no stranger to me and that man was Cikgu Nordin Abdul Rahman, who started learning Silat Seni Gayong in the fifties at Gayong School, Singapore.

It was a belt congregation ceremony for the practitioner who has flying colours on their previous grading. The event started with a simple demonstration from the students. Some movement and Bunga Tanjong were presented during the opening ceremony. The movement are gracefully applied and show the unity of all the students involved.

A black panther and a tiger sat together with a very strong sense of fraternity and the true fraternity of Silat Seni Gayong. A model should be follow by all of the Gayong families.

I was honoured to present a certificate of appreciation to the members’ involved.  Which I will remember as memories in my odyssey and the brotherhood ties and respect that should be kept forever no matter where we are.

Seni Gayong seni asli,
Turunan wali sakti,
Marilah kita bersatu hati,
Agar kita diberkati.

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