Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dreams Of The Founder

Dato Meor Abdul Rahman With Michael Blazer From USA

Silat Seni Gayong has been exposed internationally in the early seventies. It was interviewed by Don Dragger in that era and the article was published in Black Belt magazine. Since then many international practitioner in martial arts came to exchange view. Just name a few, Michael Blazer, Jang De Jong, met the founder to get info of what Silat Seni Gayong concept and philosophy.

In the seventies we can see the development of Silat Seni Gayong rapidly in spreading it wings internationally.  A martial arts practitioner from Tunisia, Mohamed Moncef Warghi came in the late seventies. Follow by Hichem AlJasser from Kuwait in 1988, together with Lutfi Al Kehri from Tunisia. The flow until today Joel Champ and Jen Para from USA, Wadie Zoghlamy from Tunisia, Yahya Al Am from Syria, Moussa Teemul from Mauritius and many more from various countries to seek and learn Silat Seni Gayong.

In early tide the student which learned Silat Seni Gayong does not spread the name under Gayong but mixed the art with their previous knowledge. Things change in the late nineties where the entire international student spread it under the same banner Silat Seni Gayong.

Earlier Silat Seni Gayong Was Not Under Gayong Banner..MIxed With All Type of Martial Arts..Using The Logo of Silat Seni Gayong ..This articel is in the seventies.

Now days we can see Silat Seni Gayong everywhere, in the UK, Ireland, France, USA, Syria, Mexico,  Spain, Belgium, Australia, Moscow, Tunisia, Mauritius. We should be proud; all of the countries uplift the same flag, the flag of Silat Seni Gayong. 

Dato Meor Abdul Rahman With Jan de Jong From Australia

That was the dream of the late founder, spreading Silat Seni Gayong internationally. Salute to all the instructors involved intentionally or not of making this dream comes thru.

If he is still alive today Dato Meor Abdul Rahman will be smiling proudly to see this development. AlFatihah.

What benefit does the organisation particularly and Malaysia indirectly received from this? The popularity, the sharing of the Malay culture, ambassador of the art of Malaysia and the most important things is that we make our country proud from what we have generate helping promoting our country internationally in our own way.

All the while we have been doing this on our expenses and its time the authorised body govern should put a hand in helping promoting this culture. The cooperation between the NGO and the government body concern should play a bigger role in ensuring it as a tool to promote Malaysia.

Nevertheless I pray to Allah AlMighty may we have united internationally and locally spreading the art of Silat Seni Gayong with all the blessing and with harmony and prosperous brotherhood.

Long Live Silat Seni Gayong.

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