Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lembing An Introduction

            Spears are either known as Tombak in the Javanese words and were called Lembing by the Malay. There were two types of Lembing , the throwing spears and one used for fighting at close quarters. Lembing basically are ballistic weapon and the stem was made from straight wood that measure from opening arms from one end to the other. The blades were made and design like knife and sharp blade were inserted into the stem and reinforced with rattan or ferrule bond. 

Seni Lembing Practitioner In A Custom And Tradition Attire of The Art

            Malay Lembing is more shorter and sharp blade at the edge. There are many types of blades that can be found such as wide spear like leaf,  wide blade and light long stem normally are mean for ballistic purposes and a spear used for battle the blade are long and sharp and the stem are strong.

Training Seni Lembing

            In the art of a warrior Lembing are commonly used with both hand in defending and slicing and were used as a throwing weapons at a certain time. The length of a Lembing stem is measured from the shoulder to the ground and the blades are about a span length. The blades are various from a beetle leaf design alike or from a bamboo leaf design. 

Training Seni Lembing

            In this art of the warrior, Silat Seni Gayong training Seni Lembing is ended in a tradition and culture known as Khatam Seni lembing. The ceremonies are performed at a waterfall symbolically the sharpness and the speed of the spears are similarity as the strength of the water that flow from the falls. Like Seni keris , the Khatam of Seni Lembing are accompanied with a batch of necessary groceries meant for the ceremony. The training is also worn with a red belt that is roll over the waist.

Khatam Seni Lembing

             It is been told that a warrior that mastered in the art of Lembing are Megat Terawis and Seni Lembing that been training in Silat Seni Gayong are from this warrior way of applying techniques and a unique culture and tradition of accomplishments of the art. Therefore in order to mastered Seni Lembing once must really mastered the way of applying the hand ,changing and controlling the stem of the Lembing while making a movements of thrust and slicing, throwing and changing hands drill.
Khatam Seni Lembing at Waterfalls

            Seni Lembing a unique weapons of the Malay and in Silat Seni Gayong and as mystery and unique as Keris. A culture should be preserved and maintain for the next generations.

                                              Megat Terawis hulubalang agung,
                                              Seni Lembing mainan asalnya,
                                              Anak Melayu harus memegang,
                                              Tradisi lama agar berpunya.

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