Friday, June 24, 2011

In Brief Khatam Seni Keris

            The accomplishments of Seni Keris in Silat Seni Gayong were performed at sea. Before performing this ceremony a preparations must be made to fulfil the requirements of the event. Since that the ceremony are a tradition in Silat Seni Gayong a well planned and preparations had to be made.

            In accordance, matter such as palm top ( pucuk kelapa) , areca nut ( buah pinang) , betel nut ( sirih), clove (gambir ), lime (kapor ), yellow string at sea and at land ( tali kuning didarat dan laut), Malay cakes ( kuih Melayu 7 jenis), Flowers ( bunga 7 jenis), candles ( lilin) , chicken, yellow sticky rice ( pulut kuning)  are a few of the necessity for the event.

Surrender The Yellow Strings

            After all the requirements had been fulfil a ceremony of seeking permission to execute the event will be conducted. After the permission were granted the students had to tied the yellow strings at sea and land according to the old tips ( petua). Each single participant in the ceremony takes position forward towards the leader of the event and were given with the entire necessary item for the ceremonies. After tepung tawar  ( fresh powder) the participant are ready to move to the sea. But before that they have to light up the candle.

Waiting To be Tepung tawar

            When they turn their face towards the sea there are not permitted to turn back and a steps were made for the ceremony leading by a woman participant towards the sea. In the sea they have to circle the yellow strings for seven times and after the event, facing the sea and submerge for seven times while throwing the flower and palm top towards the sea. After all this etiquette has been performed they return to the shore and were taught the last techniques of Seni Keris.

Moving Towards The Sea

Lead By a Woman

            In this brief information I hope all the practitioners have some pictures of how the accomplishments of Seni Keris been performed and a preservation of the tradition that were passed through generations should be maintained. There are too many symbolic hidden in the ceremony and only who knows will get the rewards. I summoned to all Silat Seni Gayong members let us preserved our tradition as it was passed to us by the founder through generations.

                                           “ Seni Keris tapak pahlawan,
                                             Langkah seni hulubalang Melayu,
                                             Adat dan adab kekal ditawan,
                                             Agar Melayu kekal berpadu.

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