Saturday, March 12, 2011

London From My View.

            I have been to London many times. It’s like a second home for me. I can notice the development they done to this metropolitan city. Every time I am here I will snap as much photo as I can. There’s always a changed here and there on the scenery of the city. As an example the famous Trafalgar Square is a heaven for the pigeon welcoming visitors to the city. There is a small cabin selling pigeon food for the visitors to buy and feed the bird. All the excitement was gone; it changed totally the look of the square. As time passes by the Londoners and visitors has getting used of the lost. Life in the city run as usual seems nothing happen. How they make the pigeon leave until today I’m still wonder. 

Trafalgar Square

            As I strolling down the city, as usual I will try to remember and notified the changes in the city. Yes! I remembered the famous flea market at Portobello has changed. Portobello is one of the biggest flea markets in London. If in Kuala Lumpur is like Petaling Street. At Portobello you can get many things as souvenirs from t-shirt until household product. Just name it the interest, you will find it there. Especially the salvage things that produced in UK and it are amazing. One day everything changed, the municipal upgraded the area and all the stalls are located in a shop. It looks more organised but for me the feeling was not there anymore. The feeling of the flea market was gone.

Portobello Market
The Monument
Sherlock Holmes Statue

            As I passed the Kensington Garden, walking in the park of the Princess of Wales the late Lady Diana, I noticed that at the exit to the Kensington Street a huge monument. A monument marks the achievements of the British Empire during their reign ruling the world. It was sparkling with yellowish on each side. Walking pass the city pathway finally took me to Baker Street where just not far from the underground station the famous Madame Tussauds, the wax museum. What amazes me is the statue of the famous crime investigator Sherlock Holmes. It’s another landmark to the city and a new added thing that can be found in making and maintain London as the most visited city in the world. The creativeness of the people involved making London as a city to be visited and provides more attraction should be followed by Malaysia in making the country popular for tourism.

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