Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Malaysian Food Festival

           The tools of promoting are various. Silat as we moved around are like a culture ambassador. It represents the Malays and the nation of the country. Nowadays in many event that involved the Malaysia Embassy abroad silat played a bigger role. The event opening will be commensurate with silat performance. Silat Seni  Gayong Ireland had an invitation to perform at the Malaysian Food Festival. The festival was held at Hilton Hotel Charlemagne Dublin. The event was organised by Malaysian Embassy and MATRADE (Malaysian Trade Exhibition). At the day of the event they will promote Malaysian Food to the Irish and European guest living in Ireland. All the guests are upon invitation and most of them are a representative of their country. That’s for the early session, for the non VIP session they are open to the public. Participants are Malaysian restaurant that operates at Ireland. All guests are welcome to taste the food as they wishes. While tasting the food they are entertained by Malaysia musician mostly living, studying and working in Ireland. 

Silat Seni Gayong Performance
The Invited Guests
From Langkawi Restaurant Dublin
The Entertainer

           Every group had their role and so does Silat Seni Gayong. We had to perform after the speeches by the Malaysian representative and the time given are not fixed. The early performance was about  three minutes ,backup by a traditional music. The guests were shown on how unique and wonderful gracious movement of silat. Most of the guest perhaps have not known or heard of silat before. After ending the first performance the hall was rumble with applause. While waiting for the next performance the Silat Seni Gayong group join the crowd having a taste of the served food. As usual for Malaysian guests mostly students enjoyed the home food very much. While having a taste, an announcement was made for the next performance. In the next performance Silat Seni Gayong shows Gayong concept on martial arts. When the students perform I took a chance to narrate the history and the applications of techniques of the performance. The demonstration went well and been congratulate by some guests. We are proud to assist our embassies on promoting Malaysian products in addition to introducing Silat Seni Gayong.

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