Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Game Of Pool

           With a long week of training I have decided to take a break. Ireland was a country with a spectacular landscape and a nature beautiful landscape. But on this break session I am not going to enjoy the view of the impressive nature, just spend a day for indoor activities. We tried to go for a bowling but have decided not to proceed to it. We tried as well playing games at the amusements park but it doesn’t fit us as well. Finally we end up at a pool table. Spend few hours at the pool table makes us forget a while our past week activities. 

Cikgu Zul and Firdaus

           Concentrating in getting the ball into the hole and winning the games is the aim. I tried my skill competing with Cikgu Anuar. It was a long time past times since I have not enjoying a pool games. It hop back in my mind more than many years ago I did enjoy the games with my friends and cousin at Petaling Jaya. Although it’s not that good in the games but we do enjoyed the moments. At one time a disabled Chinese man with one arm played a pool game with my friend who we considered he is the best amongst us all, lost in the games. The disable Chinese man are far better from him. If we think that we are great, there is always someone greater than us.

Me and Cikgu Anuar

            The best thing is to stay humble and to stay low profile and share any knowledge if we have any. In this world sharing knowledge is the main preference. When sharing knowledge is not only on certain subject but it can be widening than that. As for me sharing knowledge of Silat Seni Gayong is not finish in the dojo but Gayong knowledge flows amongst us no matter where we are. It’s still fresh in my mind teaching Gayong techniques along a motorway. The teaching is not limited in the dojo only but when it comes the proper time there it is the excitement of sharing the knowledge with everyone. Still remembered as well showing a Gayong techniques in a restaurant. Most of the students who follow me regularly would not notice or expect that techniques will be appointed at any time. Suddenly it happens without planning due to the excitement when talking about Gayong.The knowledge that doesn’t fix to a specified place, SILAT SENI GAYONG.

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