Friday, February 11, 2011

Dinner Treat

           At one time after training we decide to gather and have a dinner. We collaborated in order to get the food ready. Everyone participate and the ladies are busy cooking while the men, well as usual chatting waiting for the food to cooked. A selected dish for that day was “curry mee” or curry noodles. The cooking was done at a hall rooms no 023 at Griffith College. Thanks to the possessor of the room. It was a two bed rooms hall with a kitchen attach together with a living area and a bathroom. It can accommodate around 20 people at one time although it crammed. But that doesn’t stop for us to gather and it makes more feeling at home. 

Enjoying The Time
Curry Noodles Ready
Thanks To All Its Delicious

           Many character that day, most of the ladies helping each other preparing the dishes. While some of the men chatting in a small group and some switch on the computer and internet browsing and some just sitting and looking at each other. As for me I make a few jokes and teasing some of the busy ladies preparing the food. And my teasing was been followed by others. Makes the room outburst with laughter, and sometimes heard like a commotion. When looking at each of the students and their behaviour I felt so happy and they are happy too. The smell of the food had been absorbed in the room. Everyone start talking and chatter when is the food will be ready. They cannot wait anymore. Heard from cooking group please be patient the food is on the way. All the people cheering. Finally the food is ready and been served. Before we began to eat we pray for the blessing of the given food. The day end with a full stomach and everyone silence during the eating and after. Full stomach makes happy or in Malay “kenyang perut senang hati”.Thanks to all it was a great food and delicious too.” an-deas go raibh maith agat”.

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