Monday, January 24, 2011

Gayong Struggle

          I discussed with Cikgu Anuar the procedure here if we wanted to open a training center. And after a go through necessary documents , we try to gather some people who are interested in martial arts. So started from Aishah’s friend , we spread the word that we are going to have a Silat Seni Gayong class here at Limerick. Out of all her friend, one is interested, his name is Michael O’Grady. What Aishah did is informing Mike on the video of me that been add in you tube. He watch the video repeatedly and the interest slowly developing in his mind.

Mike (middle) , Will ( left) , Me

          A meeting was made for me to discuss with Mike for further development of setting up a class here at Limerick. After setting the proper time we finally met. Michael or Mike O’Grady is a PHD student at the University of Limerick and has a background in kickboxing. He came with his brother , William O’Grady which are also a student at the same university. William or Will as we called it is a kickboxing practitioner as well. So both of them had a martial arts background and that  make  easy to explain to them.
          Although silat is a rare martial art here in Ireland and  the information about silat are very little and maybe none if compare to other martial arts. But is not something new to martial arts practitioners. With a long explanation about Silat Seni Gayong finally Mike and his brother willing to help us setting up a Silat Seni Gayong class here in Limerick. And a promise came from their mouth that they gone to be the first Gayong student if we can make it works. I really feel grateful for the assistance that we can get from those brothers. 

The First Brochure Of Silat Seni Gayong In Limerick

           After a few days we started designing the brochure for the Silat Seni Gayong class. Mike check with the university how can we enclosed the brochure for all the students. Every each one of us play their role accordingly  in ensuring  the promotion running as planned. Everything went smoothly and the information and promotion is made through students email  of the university. At one time, we got a warning letter from the university administrator for being to aggressively  while  promoting through all the university students email. But it did not break our spirit, we keep on campaigning until  we were asked to stop by the university authorities. 

The sports Centre

          While we are promoting Mike had a discussion with the university sports centre. He came back with a bunch of forms which we have to fill in order to be recognised as a club at the university. I studied it carefully and prepared the working paper with Cikgu Anuar. In the forms they need at least 10 students to be a committee for the club. We were stuck there, because we don’t have enough members to setup a committee. I asked for the help of Malaysian students which are a few for some assistance, but they refused. That’s  make me very disappointed because a country men could not assist you when you need help. So we have to change our  plan , instead of setting up a class at the university , we set a class at a private sports centre outside. And we succeed, and from that moment,  Silat Seni Gayong, foothold at Limerick.

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