Monday, January 3, 2011

Damascus An Introduction

            As  I was  viewing  the morning activities  through the  window ,  I was  invited to have a breakfast .  Straight  to the kitchen , and ready on the table a variety kind of bread. When I inspect  it , it’s the bread  that  was  served  at the opposite bread shop from the apartment. In the early morning I only had a glimpse of the bread finally I had a chance to taste it. There are 4 varieties  of , that been send to the apartment. It is  an on call service delivery bread shops. Wow.. a small  shops  providing such a service. It's a normal practise here.  I start to  taste the bread with sprinkling egg, and then beef and the sesame seed and lastly chicken. It lucky that the bread are served in a small doh, if not,  it’s  going to be a heavy breakfast. After having breakfast and rest, it's time to go for shower. 

To The City, Damascus
           With a zest  feeling after  having good shower , and after  grooming  myself  I’m ready  to go to the city. It was almost 5pm in the evening  and this is the perfect time to move around Damascus or Damsyik or Syam. Syam as they called it in Arabic and still been called by the Arabs until today is a city with old and modern. The city with historic feature and legacy civilisation.

The Apartment At Damascus
           We took a taxi from Kudsia to the city. Passing along the way, on the left and right are houses  and a view of yellowish nature as a screen. Today is Friday there’s not much activities in the city , due to a public holiday. Syria working days are from Saturday to Thursday , and Friday is the weekend. Passing through the city street  all the shops are closed. Yahya took me to his working place. He work as a coordinator and supplier in a fashion industry businesses. The street where his office are located are a street for a fashion enthusiasts.  A country  with not really on modern development are abreast of a fashion industry. Always on the updated  fashion trend and I really impressed with this development. No wonder whether man and women they always looks trendy.

The Fashion Streets 

Yahya's Office
           We are supposed to visit a real estate agent, since its Friday we have to postponed it to other days. The purpose of meeting the real estate agent is to rent an apartment for me in the city centre. Seems that it’s almost 6pm we decided to have our lunch cum dinner. As usual a kilo of kebab for two of us. It’s so tasty that I was not aware sharing a kilo just for dual. My belly is full and we went straight home, Kudsia. That night I was left alone , because Yahya is spending his night with his wife at his in-laws  house. While I’m here every once a week its on Friday night he will be accompanying his wife there. I fulfil my time alone reading magazine and novel that I brought together. Finally I went  to sleep without realizing it.

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