Monday, January 31, 2011

Dublin Castle

            Dublin Castle situated in the very heart of historic Dublin. Located at Dame Street Dublin, Ireland. Originally built as a defensive fortification for the city of Dublin. Later it evolved into a royal residence , resided in by the Viceroy of Ireland. It was the center of the  English colonial  administration in Ireland. The castle consists of a ballroom which is called Saint Patrick's Hall. It is one of the oldest rooms in the castle, inclusive with the most significant painting ceiling in Ireland. Next room is the Throne Room which act as a Battleaxe hall in the passed. The Drawing Room which act as a reception room for the Lordship.The oldest room in the castle are the Dining Room, and largely retain its original decoration.

Dublin Castle Information Board

           Despite all the luxurious living and administration center, the castle was the dungeons for state prison and the seat for parliament, which met in the Great Hall before the great fire. The Court of  Law and the Court of Exchequer also met at Dublin Castle. The castle further housed the repository of the Royal Treasury and the Royal Mint, army and police barracks,armaments factories and weapons store.

Dublin Castle Complex

Entrance To Dublin Castle

          With the vast quite orderly arrangements, Dublin Castle played a bigger role in the administration of Ireland in the 17th century. Touring the castle makes us understand the significant of the castle during the era. Through my odyssey spreading Silat Seni Gayong, visiting the historical site or monuments are a  compulsory in my diary because from there I can learn the culture and history of the place . This is an easier way to understand the people and the nations of the visiting country. Hoping one day that Silat Seni Gayong will be famous in Ireland as the importance of Dublin Castle during the time.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Love For Gayong

            Since Gayong at Dublin reactivated we had to go to Dublin for a class every two weeks. We have to cover Limerick class every week and had to travel to Dublin every alternate week to teach. That's the sacrifice we had to made for the love of Gayong. All this sacrifice need time and money. For all that, we are doing it on our own expenses and just making sure that the knowledge of Gayong are passed through generation.

At Dublin

           But some people make this as their way of living but for us we are doing it for the love of the art. For us the knowledge can't be value with money. But as we know today's world, money are everything but for us money is not everything. We are not going to be rich by teaching . What we need is the blessing. Knowledge is to be taught and shared and that's what we are doing.

The Training

           But its not wrong to take or charge for training but it must be ridden-in . We are not charging for the knowledge but we are only  charging for the cost incurred. If we are back to the future , training in the old days the students brought food, look for firewood, doing all the housework and many things at the master house. This how they repaid their master for the teaching. Nowadays money replaced all that. But if we don't get any paid for that just do it for the love of the art. If the student rational enough he can think how to repay his master . Repayment can be made in so many ways and that's depends on individual.

Amir Join For The Training

           For us teaching in sincerely and passed all the knowledge to all the students is our responsibility. After the teaching its up to the students whether to keep by them self or spreading it back to newcomer who wanted to know the art. We are seeking the blessing of the teaching although we are only charging for the cost. But remember we don't make money from the teaching. You can live by teaching but you will not be rich. It's up to us ," ask themselves the chest pat" or in Malay "tepuk dada tanya selera".

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Future Gayong Instructors

            The propagation still going on at Limerick. The training continued aggressively and the number of student has increased. What proud about the students at Limerick, they are Irish and European. One of the student Yanis Mortuzans are from Latvia and are very interested to dig the knowledge of Gayong and dream of spreading Gayong to his homeland one day. In early forties and have a knowledge in Kickboxing and Kali or Escrima fell in love with Silat Seni Gayong after all his questions and doubts in martial arts answered by Gayong.

The Training

            I have discuss with Cikgu Anuar on making Janis as Gayong future instructor and hope that he can carry Gayong flag at Latvia. If the planned goes well again Gayong will spread its wings to a new land. A very obedient students, Yanis are our hope for the project.

Yanis and Cikgu Anuar

           As for Mike and Will we hope to take over Ireland as our representatives when the times come. And so does Henry who had a background in Kung Fu. All these students are potential of spreading Silat Seni Gayong in future and I am hoping that this dreams would come through. As per my dream of a Gayong representative or instructor in other countries has been materialize and hoping the same dream here in Europe will succeed.

Henry and Me
Mike, Cikgu Anuar and Yanis

           Its not easy to prepared someone to be and instructor that you can relied and depend on. Its a very tough job of making one. They must have the charisma and open heart and mind and loyal to their teacher and brothers of Gayong . The most important things is to be humble. Its not easy because their are so many different character and culture different on most of them. But its a great experience for me in understanding those differences. With my level of knowledge in Silat Seni Gayong I really hope my task that was given to me by my late Silat Seni Gayong founder and his beneficiary of trust to spead Silat Seni Gayong to the world will find success.Amin.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Gayong Returns

            After a weekend relieved, I am back to the usual routine. That day in the evening on our way to a mall at Limerick, Cikgu Anuar received a call from Malaysian Hall representative informing him that Silat Seni Gayong were needed for a demonstration. Immediately we contacted Ferdaus president of Gayong club RCSI to prepared for the event. We only need about 4 person to performed on that day.The performance are for inaugurated ceremony for "Rakan Muda" event, that was launch by Malaysian Embassy at Dublin.

Gayong Demonstration
Introduction For Kids Before The Event

             The event are supposed to start at 2pm, and me and Cikgu Anuar need to be at Dublin early for that purposes.After an arrangement made for baby sitting his children and all his house need we are ready for that journey. Dublin is not near it will take two hour drive from Limerick. Before we leave the next day we have to conduct a Gayong class in Limerick. The class was in the evening around 2pm to 4pm. We will spend one day at Dublin purposely for that event. For us this is the chance to collaborated with Malaysian Hall and grateful for their cooperation and assistance when applying to RCSI to reactivated  Gayong club there.

            After class of Silat Seni Gayong we make our moved to Dublin. It was very cold that evening and winter just started about three weeks. We didn't expected that its going to snow on that evening. It was informed by Mike earlier that it was already snowing when he is on the way for training. We are not expecting its going to be heavy. We drove carefully because the road is slippery and Cikgu Anuar must be really cautious. Once a while the steering goes wild due to the icy road. As for the weather conditions is not that good so we reached Dublin late than usual. It was a fighting with the snow along the way that make us moving like a snail. Anyway we arrived safely at Dublin and went straight ahead to Griffith Colleage to spend our night there.

Making Sure Everything Is In Order

          The next morning we have to gather at Malaysian Hall to be brought to the opening place. Its not only Silat Seni Gayong will participate in the event , there's also other Malaysian club at Dublin will be there as well. There will be an exhibition about Malaysia and will be done at a school hall. The guest of Honor for the event will be The Mayor of Dublin. Upon reached the hall preparations made and I asked the boys to get ready for the demonstration. They made a few rehearsal and are  ready for action. It was early when we reached the hall and most of the other club members were Malaysian students at Dublin working together to make sure the event successful. Finally the event start in the afternoon and everything goes as planned and thumbs up to the performer. It was again a successful performance.After the event completed we made our trip back to Limerick. It was rushing all the way and a race with the snow just for making sure Silat Seni Gayong can be implemented. Although it was a exhausted day but the satisfaction are more than it is.

Another Gayong Memories After The Demonstration

Thursday, January 27, 2011


            Weekend is the day for Cikgu Anuar to rest. Usually on weekday he will be very busy taking care of his two children while his wife attend her studies at University of Limerick. We take this opportunity to sightseeing other Ireland cities. We choose to go to Galway. After preparing the breakfast for the family and having the morning meal together, Cikgu Anuar and me get our self  ready for the trip.Its took us about hour and a half to reach Galway.

Filling A Fuel

            Galway or City of Galway is a city in County Galway, Republic of Ireland. Is the third largest city in Republic of Ireland and the fastest growing city in Ireland. Located on the west coast of Ireland, its sits on the River Corrib between Lough Corrib and Dublin Bay. Galway is famous with its culture and music.
             Commerce and tourism are the major business at Galway. There is a strong interest in the arts evidence by the number of areas where one can hold events. The nearby body of water makes it ideal for angling and other water sports such as surfing, diving and boating.

              The point of interest in Galway such as Eyre Square , the Spanich Arch, Claddagh a fishing village and  Town Clock. The most place to visit is the Galway Crystal  shops, where its carries its name as one of the famous brands and traditionally crafted  in Ireland.

Eyre Square
Irish Traditional House

              Overall a visit to Galway is just to relieved our self after a buzy week talking, spreading and discussing about Gayong and a leave for Cikgu Anuar for all the house work. We really enjoy it very much and a new surrounding and beautiful scenery along the area, that's Galway.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


           Successfully spreading its wings at Limerick, we tried to expand Gayong throughout Ireland. At home,  discussion been made between me and Cikgu Anuar. Words came from Cikgu Anuar that there’s  a  Gayong class  at Dublin but have not been active for almost a year due to a problem that we do not know. An effort was made to contact on the members that are still exist. Finally we manage to catch hold of the club president  Ferdaus Cik Ani , which are a medical student at Royal College of Surgeon , Dublin. An appointment was made and we make our trip to Dublin.

Infront of Dublin Mosque

           Dublin is the state capital city of Republic of Ireland. Situated in the midpoint of Ireland mid coast, at the mouth of River Liffey, and at the centre of the Dublin Region. It took  us about two hours drive from Limerick.  The meeting was made at a restaurant situated in the compound of Dublin Mosque. We arrive at Dublin in the afternoon and informing Ferdaus that we have arrived. He came up with few of his colleagues to discuss the matter. Upon seeing us , as usual the Gayong brotherhood intact and everyone greeting each other  graciously. We had a lunch first before going for the discussion and that afternoon a beriyani rice from the mosque cafe. After filling the belly we carried on the point of the meeting. 

            Ferdaus told us that the club that he and his colleagues established in 2007 was only survive a year. The club was named Persatuan Silat Seni Gayong RCSI  Ireland. During that time the club was one of the active club at the college. What was wrong is that they do a training at a public compound using a real weapon and for that reason it was asked to closed. All the members felt up set and they do not know what to do and to asked help. Nobody cares about the closure.

From Left Idzmie, Fifi, Cikgu Anuar, Shafiq, Ferdaus (president), Me and Jason In-front of Malaysian Hall

           Me and Cikgu Anuar tried our level best to reactivate the club again and in the meeting I asked Ferdaus to submit a new proposal to the college. But this time we are seeking the help from Malaysian Student Department, Ireland which had an office at Malaysian Hall Dublin. The conclusion of the meeting is to reactivate the club again, and upon returning to Limerick we prepare the proposal and with the liaise with Ferdaus. And the proposal was sent to the RCSI club authorities. Praise, the proposal was accepted after some changes  according to the new club regulations. And Silat Seni Gayong reactivated again at Dublin after  in active for a year.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Gayong Limerick First Training

            After all the struggle and making sure that all the promotion run smoothly finally we can start the first training. St Enda is a private sports complex which covered a gym, a basketball court, a meeting rooms, a hall which are suiable for yoga,martial art training and workout. Located at Kilmallock Road, which are about 10 minutes drive from Cikgu Anuar's house. Everyone were excited on the first day , inclusive of Amir and Adli. After preparing all the necessary gear finally we  head straight to the sports complex. Park at the ample parking which are provided to visitors to the complex.

Entrance To The Sports Complex

             About few minutes Mike and Will arrived and we check in at the counter for the booking we made. Although the promotion had been made through emails and some of the brochure affixed to selected shops, and an enquiries had come but on the first day of training we only satisfied with four. Anyway the struggle must continue to educate the community that Gayong is here at Limerick and willing to share the knowledge of this ancient art for those who are interested.

            Training that day run smoothly and I conducted the fist training ever at Limerick. Many explanations were drawn out for the practitioners and making sure that they understand the philosophy of the art. Overall who did come for the first training feel happy and satisfied with the concept and fundamentals of Gayong. Seems that Mike and Will did trained in other martial arts such as kickboxing , and they did come out with a questions comparing the concept of Gayong and the art that they have learned. With a simple and concise explanations they manage to understand it. And words came from them that Gayong is totally different from other defense arts and that make they are more eager to go deeper of the knowledge.

Training Session
Questions And Answer Session
Will Get To Feel The Death Lock

             After a good two hours training , and we stop for the day. Training at St Enda is not free, we have to rent the space and what amaze me that all of us share equally on the rental, and that's Gayong. Finally all the effort made materialise and Silat Seni Gayong offically start the training at Limerick in  29 November 2009, which are a quite fast set up in a foreign land. Life Silat Seni Gayong. Amin.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Gayong Struggle

          I discussed with Cikgu Anuar the procedure here if we wanted to open a training center. And after a go through necessary documents , we try to gather some people who are interested in martial arts. So started from Aishah’s friend , we spread the word that we are going to have a Silat Seni Gayong class here at Limerick. Out of all her friend, one is interested, his name is Michael O’Grady. What Aishah did is informing Mike on the video of me that been add in you tube. He watch the video repeatedly and the interest slowly developing in his mind.

Mike (middle) , Will ( left) , Me

          A meeting was made for me to discuss with Mike for further development of setting up a class here at Limerick. After setting the proper time we finally met. Michael or Mike O’Grady is a PHD student at the University of Limerick and has a background in kickboxing. He came with his brother , William O’Grady which are also a student at the same university. William or Will as we called it is a kickboxing practitioner as well. So both of them had a martial arts background and that  make  easy to explain to them.
          Although silat is a rare martial art here in Ireland and  the information about silat are very little and maybe none if compare to other martial arts. But is not something new to martial arts practitioners. With a long explanation about Silat Seni Gayong finally Mike and his brother willing to help us setting up a Silat Seni Gayong class here in Limerick. And a promise came from their mouth that they gone to be the first Gayong student if we can make it works. I really feel grateful for the assistance that we can get from those brothers. 

The First Brochure Of Silat Seni Gayong In Limerick

           After a few days we started designing the brochure for the Silat Seni Gayong class. Mike check with the university how can we enclosed the brochure for all the students. Every each one of us play their role accordingly  in ensuring  the promotion running as planned. Everything went smoothly and the information and promotion is made through students email  of the university. At one time, we got a warning letter from the university administrator for being to aggressively  while  promoting through all the university students email. But it did not break our spirit, we keep on campaigning until  we were asked to stop by the university authorities. 

The sports Centre

          While we are promoting Mike had a discussion with the university sports centre. He came back with a bunch of forms which we have to fill in order to be recognised as a club at the university. I studied it carefully and prepared the working paper with Cikgu Anuar. In the forms they need at least 10 students to be a committee for the club. We were stuck there, because we don’t have enough members to setup a committee. I asked for the help of Malaysian students which are a few for some assistance, but they refused. That’s  make me very disappointed because a country men could not assist you when you need help. So we have to change our  plan , instead of setting up a class at the university , we set a class at a private sports centre outside. And we succeed, and from that moment,  Silat Seni Gayong, foothold at Limerick.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Day At Limerick

           Sleeping like a log, that what I did last night at Limerick. As usual I woke up at 4am in the morning, switch on my laptop scrolling for any new email which I had to reply. It was a quiet morning and I make myself  busy by hanging my clothes in the cupboard. Cikgu Anuar rent a semi detached house that design like a townhouse. He had a neighbour on the left and right and on top . A house with two bedrooms , a hall, a kitchen and a just medium house that he rent from the real estate agent. 
           At about  7.30am I heard that he woke up and preparing a breakfast for all of us in the house. He fried a noodles for the breakfast. I was wondering where did he learned to cook, because when he is back home he totally out of the field. And after some interrogation , he told me that he had no choice unless he learned to cook. And his effort  results and from the person who not even go to kitchen and now well versed with the kitchen utilities. Thumbs up for him.

At The Back King George Castle
Leaning At University of Limerick Pole

           After  shower ,everyone gather for the breakfast.  What a very typical Malaysian breakfast and I praise Cikgu Anuar for his cooking  although  he had a lot to improved . When talking about cooking I still remember  during my school day holiday I learned to cook from my mother, and its help a lot when I’m away. While chatting  when having breakfast  , talking about the training centre back home and Gayong development and sometimes  a laugh came out because I teased Cikgu Anuar especially  when he had a training during his time in Malaysia. Talking about  his colleagues and funny things happen during the time make a laughter came from everyone including from his son as well. Amir and Adli joined the laughter, seems that there understand the whole story. After all the cheek exercise, Cikgu Anuar invited me for a quick glance to the city. Limerick is a third largest city in Republic of Ireland and a peaceful and quiet city. With an introductory of the city, Limerick, I catch up with the environment and the culture within.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Limerick , Ireland

           In august 2009 Cikgu Anuar from black panther training centre of Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia and Serantau landed in Ireland. He is accompanying his wife to complete her PHD at the University of Limerick for the next  three  years. Before leaving Malaysia we had a discussion  of setting a training centre at  Ireland. Since that he will be at Limerick, so we will make Limerick for a start.

         Time pass by, month to month and he hasn’t  manage to setup a training centre at Limerick. He told me, he had a problem of getting people to join and with a lack of experience he did not know where to start. After a few months waiting for the progress I have decided to give him an assistant and make my way to Limerick, Ireland. 
         I arrived in Limerick Ireland on October 2009, after transit at London for almost 10hours. I safely reached Limerick at evening, and waiting for me at Shannon Airport, which are the airport of Limerick, are Cikgu Anuar and his elders son Amir. After passed the immigration check point finally I make it to the arrival hall, and the compliments and hugging between me and Cikgu Anuar , respecting each order . For me although Cikgu Anuar are my student by I respect him very much and we are more than brothers rather than a student and his teacher. Maybe that  Gayong had taught me in this manner and that long years with Gayong has become flesh and blood.  

Cikgu Anuar and His Family
Cikgu Anuar With Amir (standing) and Adli
          We head straight to his living house which took about 40minutes from the airport. Greeting me at the house are Cikgu Anuar wife , Aishah and his younger son Adli. The food was already prepared on the table and I was comfort with the dinner. At that time it was autumn and the day are short . After a chatting and a give of chocolate that I brought for his son and few ingredients for cooking as per his request recently.I started lean myself on his sofa.  As usual when we are a traveller the topic that wil be arise are the trip to the destination point. And as usual the answer will be along the experience we had along the way. After a long haul at Heathrow Airport and a good dinner I finally felt so exhausted and asking permission from Cikgu Anuar to go to bed. Normally I will go to bed  late to adjust on my timing but I can’t resist and I had to be excused .

Friday, January 21, 2011



           Ireland is the largest island in Europe and twentieth in the world. The island is divided between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland , a part of the United Kingdom. Republic of Ireland covers five-sixth of the island and  the remainder cover by Northern Ireland which located in the northeast of the island.
           Relatively low lying mountains surrounding a central plain epitomise Ireland's geography with several navigable rivers extending inland. With mostly level to rolling interior plain surrounded by rugged hills and low mountains, sea cliffs on west coast.

            Traditionally Ireland is subdivided into four provinces, Connacht (west) , Leinster ( east) , Munster ( south) and Ulster (north). With history of the Norman , the viking, Ireland produce its own way in culture and traditions. With a Gaelic language as the spoken language during the old age and still being preserved until today. With a different dialect in three area, Connacht, Munster and Ulster. Ireland, which reflects on the rich culture brought together , blended in such a way that make Ireland today.

            Ireland although separated from the European continents but its play quite a role in the economics and the development of the European Union, because Ireland is a part of the European community.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Food In Syria

            Reach the country of Syria and feel the awesome Syria food. The term Syrian cuisine refers to the style and method of cooking in Syria.The cuisine is a diffusion of the cultures of civilizations that settled in Syria particularly during and after the Islamic era. With a combination of European cuisine and excitement of eastern spices, and that combination has been greatest influence on modern Arabic cuisine.


            Many traditional Syrian dishes are simple preparations based on grains , vegetables and fruits. Yogurt , cheese, cucumber,aubergines,sesame are harmoniously blended into numerous assorted medleys. The lamb or beef is the preferred based of the Syria food. One of the famous lamb or beef dishes is shish kebab , which will take five hours to prepared mixed with other ingredients.

Gordon Blue
Syrian Sweets

            The Syria food inclusive of dishes like kibbeh, humus, tabbouleh,fattoush, syawarma,sujuk and balawa. But typically starting a meal with mezze which are a simple salad and nut before going for the main course. Meals are usually followed by a hot drink of Arabic coffee or tea along with fruit, ice cream or desserts.Overall the dishes served in Syria no matter its traditional or modern dish that blend with fine ingredients is very tempting and delicious. I enjoyed the Syrian food very much. Yummy.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Saiditina Umi Kalthum and Saiditina Sakinah

           At the cemetary near Bab al-Saghir where most of the family of Prophet Muhammad (saw) were buried, I take my chance to visit the tomb of Saiditina Umi Kalthum binti Ali and Saiditina Sakinah binti Hussein.

The Tomb Of Saiditina Umi Kalthum

           Saiditina Umi Kalthum binti Ali is the fourth daughter of Saidina Ali ibn Abi Talib and Saiditina Fatimah az-Zahra. Bourned in the year sixth of hijrah in Madinah. Married to Saidina Umar al-Khattab when Saidina Umar al-Khattab was a caliph after Saidina Abu Bakar as-Sideq. The marriage with Saidina Umar al-Khattab has been blessed with two children , Saidina Zaid ibn Umar and Saiditina Ruqayyah binti Umar. After the death of Saidina Umar al-Khattab , she remarried with Saidina Awn ibn Jaafar, which are her cousin. She remarried again to Saidina Awn ibn Jaafar brother Saidina Muhammad ibn Jaafar after the death of her second husband. After the death of Saidina Muhammad ibn Jaafar , Saiditina Umi Kalthum married to Saidina Abdullah ibn Jaafar which are the third son of  Saidina Jaafar al-Sadiq. She died while giving birth to Saidina Zaid ibn Abdullah .

The Tomb Of Saiditina Sakinah

          Saiditina Sakinah binti Hussein was born in the month of Rejab in the year 56 after hijrah. Her named Sakinah literally mean peace in Arabic. Her real name is Fatima and was well known as Sakinah, Ruqayah,Masuma, Kalthum, Aatika, Zainab among her families. She spend her childhood days in Madinah.She had three brothers and two sisters , which are Saidina Ali ibn Hussein, Saidina Ali al-Akbar ibn Hussein, Saidina Ali Asghar ibn Hussein , Saiditina Fatimah as-Sugra and Fatimah al-Kubra.

         Both Saiditina Umi Kaithum binti Ali and Saiditina Sakinah binti Hussein were buried side by side under one roof. May peace be upon them and their families. Amin.