Wednesday, December 1, 2010


           Australia is the only country that has a whole continent to itself. World famous for its natural wonders and wide open spaces, its beaches, deserts, the bush, and the outback. It's also well known for the cosmopolitan attractions of its large cities such as Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.

            Australia is the smallest continents but sixth largest country. To the west bordered by the Indian ocean, and to the east by South Pacific Ocean.Neighbouring New Zealand at the Southeast , and Indonesia, Papua New Guinea at the North.

           Australia has large area that have been deforested for agriculture purposes, but many native forests areas survive in extensive national parks and other  undeveloped  areas.
           Generally in the north is hot and  tropical, while in the south tends to sub-tropical and temperate. Receiving winter in the middle of the year June-August, while summer in the end of the year December-February.

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