Friday, November 5, 2010

The Training

     The training took two exclusive weeks and a very intensive workout. started in the morning at 8am and a break at noon for lunch and continue at 2pm until 5pm before continuing at night. It was a bloody 14 days intensive teaching. But that time we teach without been paid , if compared nowadays . The love for Gayong are really great and the satisfaction while teaching is enough for me and my friend.
     We trained and sleep together at the office of Silat seni Gayong which are located at Taman Nirwana , Ampang. The office situated at a building block with a 3 floors. The administration office are at the third floor, while the second floor are where I and my partners teaching both of the foreigners. at the ground floor of the block as I remember there is a bread shop owned by an Indian or  Pakistani that I not sure.
     Both Hichem and Lotf  training started with a warming up exercise and from my view of point they are not fit during that time to have the intensive training.Starting with warming up and gone through to " Senaman Anak Harimau" until the third stage . Completing the "Seni Kunci Mati" ," Seni Kunci Hidup" and " Pukulan" or Combat.
Hichem and Lotf

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