Thursday, March 20, 2014

Are We Really There..?

Walking the street while wondering things surrounding  Gayong community around the world. I did noticed something that really interesting happening. The Gayong communities is represent with many criteria of individual and with different thinking, ideas and opinion. Sometimes it is good for the development of the art and sometimes it gives negative suggestion which if not making a deep thought will bring a calamities within the communities.

There comes adat-istiadat in Silat Seni Gayong, which has been neglected and sometimes mislead by some, due to not really understand what it is in reality or fact. Following, this so called guide and rules is to educate the community of Gayong to be in a great order. It was like a book of law. But as usual without the full knowledge we intent to put remarks or comments that might mislead the communities.

The adat-istiadat in Silat Seni Gayong comprise of many subject. It is educating the community to be behave accordingly and respecting each others. Sometimes we over used the manner and putting a trade mark that this is correct and that is wrong. A questions here..Are we really have the full knowledge of it? If we said we do..why we make an evolution for what has been practice since. Are we better than the founder?  Do we have the knowledge of doing so? Do we have the right to say of what we are doing? There are so many questions in our thought that to be translate or waiting for an answer.

We are talking about adat-istiadat of Silat Seni Gayong which was not been opposed before during the founder was still around. Which we should do so in order for us to get the correct answer for all of adat behaviour. What went wrong? We felt afraid? Which we shouldn't

Sekadar Ganbar Hiasan {Thanks to Google}
Common evolutions we can found this days can be seen in adat perlimau tapak. Why is this happening? There are many type of doing pertaining this matters. Some just used water and green lemon without others material. Some left out few material especially "bertih","kemenyan". Others maybe evaluate in different forms. A questions what went wrong again? And we said we preserved and take adat,adap or whatever it is as a role in our Gayong communities. It is a sorrow to say that we don't.

Just a point to ponder as said by the founder,"Barangsiapa yang tidak menjalani adat-istiadat perlimau tapak Silat Seni Gayong, ia tidak boleh diiktirafkan sebagai murid Gayong dan sama sekali tidak sah mengaku dirinya ahli Gayong", Dato Meor Abdul Rahman. Let us take a minute to think deeply about that statement. If we do according to our evolution without preserving as per guidelines and teaching from the founder pertaining to this matter, does the act that we are doing valid with that statement? And we have a gut to claim that we perform the well said to be preserved adat-istiadat. If we thought it is yes than move on with whatever the believing and if not we must return back to our original way. We make our own choice. And as a view if we said about adat,adap and everything related and we don't act as per the guidance and teaching of the founder than we cannot consider we are steeping on that path because we don't have the knowledge and we can't say that we understand well.

As a conclusion let sit and really think deeply on all aspects of any corner of adat-istiadat,adap and related to find solution and hoping there will be follow accordingly as per the footstep of guidance and teaching of our beloved founder. Until then if we still in evolution we don't have the right to say that we are following the same passage. Al Fatihah.

Semoga kita diberkati.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Think,Think and Think

Many things can be used as a weapons for the silat practitioners. Training on various weapons is to make one understanding  the type of weapons used when handling it. What we didn't realise is that we already equip with natural weapons at hand. Also when a weapons is used it must be accurate with our body mechanics of making sure we will be able to maneuvers it accordingly.

Let share some of the weapons within our body system. We take an example machete, the weapons that attach to our body is on the side of our palm and the method of applying it, is the same when handling a metal machete. The effect when been strike by those weapons is different. A machete strike will result with blood flowing out after the cut and can cause death or cutoff part of the body. While a true experts masters in silat can delivered a fatal blow using his so called machete hand which will result by internal bleeding or more worse burst of the nerve systems. There are many terms for this method according to the style of the martial arts. As what the western world known as DimMak which comes from the Chinese Martial arts terminologies.

In Silat Seni Gayong it was terms as per Malay wording as "Seni'. This method are various starting from an accurate movement till an accurate striking. Those techniques will be follow along with our body mechanics system in order to get it to be perfect. But before we reach the summit the training has to be accordingly and be expose each part of the so called "Seni" movement. It has both internal and external training from inner and outer. The knowledge and understanding is from the crown to the toe.

Sekadar Gambar Hiasan
I would like to share some of the event when mastering the method. Example one, when performing a grappling , no matter what techniques applied some will taste the pain and some will not and some will get choke and some will not. From this different feeling it marks that there are different level of doing it and we should know which level are our stand. If we are on that track we aren't on the level of "seni".

Another example the feeling is comes from the crown to the toe. Like a bone is breaking moving  like volcanic lava and like a building is collapsing. All those are an example of the well said method and it is up to us to stand on what level. The higher we go we will feel like flying and without feeling any pain at all and all our body is starting to cramp and the end result is that we are going to get frozen. There will be no pain been felt when  we are at the summit, the only things other people will notice that we are on our own now on another dimension, death. And this is "seni".

Understanding and mastering those techniques is not an easy boulot .It needs patience and the most important manner is obedient to his teacher no matter what happen. Then it will follow with the blessing. Those are the criteria needed importantly of gaining those so called easy to say but not easy to mastered. Many people failed when it comes to this but as the Malay proverb said, "taat setia tidak berbelah bahagi". Think, think and think about the significant of it.

Semoga kita diberkati.