Thursday, December 15, 2011

All For The Love Of Silat Seni Gayong

Doing things from scratch is not an easy task. Practice any martial arts at Europe are not as easy as it looked. There is many cost involved on getting training places especially, insurance etc. It all cost, and to buy insurance will cost you Eur 350 annually. This entire thing won’t stop you, if you keep driving yourself to the achievement of the art that you loved Silat Seni Gayong.

 Renting a place for training at Dublin may cost you Eur 40 per hour. If you have many students it can suit you but if you are a first starter you better think twice. What many people may think when you teach overseas it as easy or much alike in the homeland? The perspectives are wrong. Unless everything is ready for you, just walk in and get all the credit. Some people are lucky in this case and get all the glomming glamorous and been honoured with the achievements from other people struggle.

Children Class

Alhamdulillah , praise to the AlMighty I manage to get a well organised training centre for the people who are interested to share the knowledge of Silat Seni Gayong in Dublin. Thanks and gratitude to the Clonskeagh Mosque, Dublin for the assistance and support. After all the non proper places of training finally all the hard work paid.

With two classes each on every Monday and Wednesday between 1530hrs to 1630hrs for children and continue from 1700hrs until 1830hrs for adult. The training is for free and the promotions are made by the mosques which are under Islamic Council of Ireland.

Children Class, Trying The Art Of Gymnastics

It took me 40 minutes walking from my house to the venue and it will cause you Eur3.70 per trip return by bus. Usually I will walk to the class to save on cost and my pleasure to share the knowledge with the students.

Usually in Europe many instructors would not go to teach if it was free, some instructors are been paid for all the expenses, travelling, lodging and fees for each training. As for me money is not the matter, but some people may think the different way. Is not because I say I have money, what I have just a bit to cover on my expenses of food and house rental, but I pass the knowledge I love with my sincerity. Many people think when you teach overseas you make money, not for me maybe for others. And before saying things about the things that are not sure happen in front of our own eyes please stop all the nonsense.

Alan and Fergal

All the students attending the classes are Irish National and are not all Muslim. I am proud of them for their afford to train and seeking the art of the Malay. For the adult they have various backgrounds from different martial arts such as Escrima, Muay Thai etc.

To the students many thanks for the willing to come for training and sharing the knowledge and for the Mosque your kind assistance are highly appreciated and the spirit of the ukhwah of the brotherhood stands.

Long Live Silat Seni Gayong

Seni Gayong seni asli
Mari belajar dengan suci
Usah ada hasad dan dengki
Tuduhan palsu tanpa pasti
Seni Gayong tetap berdiri
Walau fitnah menjadi-jadi

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Patah Tumbuh Hilang Berganti

"Naga Bora" Pak Hussein Kaslan dan "Kumbang Hitam"

Cikgu Hussein Kaslan diberi amanah mengendalikan  Silat Seni Gayong di Singapura. Salah seorang yang menerima tunjuk ajar dari Almarhum Dato Meor Abdul Rahman pada ketika itu. Mengabdikan dirinya sehingga sedutan akhir nafasnya mengembang dan berbakti kepada Silat Seni Gayong. 

Pengasas kepada Silat Seni Gayong Pasak. Pasak dalam makna panjangnya ‘Perkumpulan Anak-Anak Sandiwara Angkatan Kesenian’yang pada ketika iu menjadi nadi pengeraknya adalah Hussein Kaslan,Samuri Ibrahim, Qamari Melan, Arif Zahari, Yahya Bujang dan Zainol Yusof.

Cikgu Hussein Kaslan  Silat Seni Gayong Pasak

Beliau menceburi Silat Seni Gayong dalam tahun 1950an dan merupakan pakar permainan pisau. Menerima Bengkong Harimau Pelangi Chula Sakti Tingkatan Satu dalam tahun 1970an setelah mengikuti kursus di Pusat Latihan Tertinggi Silat Seni Gayong di Taiping.

Tanggal 6 Disember 2011 bersamaan 10 Muharam 1433,Cikgu Hussein Kaslan telah meghembuskan nafasnya terakhir pada usia 90 tahun meninggalkan kenangan pahit dan manis dalam mengembangkan Silat Seni Gayong di Singapura.Perjuangan selama lebih 50 tahun mengekalkan tradisi berGayong ini.  Melahirkan generasi Silat Seni Gayong Pasak yang menyerlah dan mengekalkan adat, gurulatih sebagaimana yang dituntut oleh beliau. 

Perjuangan beliau diteruskan oleh anak beliau Cikgu Abdul Rahim Hussein sebagai penerus perjuangan yang tidak ada kesudahannya. “Patah Tumbuh Hilang Berganti”. 
